
Installs IBM User Data Services as part of IBM Foundational Services in the ibm-common-services namespace. If mas_instance_id and the others associated parameters are provided then the role will also generate a configuration file that can be directly applied to IBM Maximo Application Suite.

Role Variables - Installation


Inform the role whether to perform an install or uninstall of IBM User Data Services or the Slim User Data Services. Supported values are install, uninstall, install-suds or uninstall-suds

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: UDS_ACTION
  • Default: install


Required only for ROSA cluster. This variable is required to extract the UDS certificates. For other clusters this variable is not used.

  • Environment Variable: CLUSTER_NAME
  • Default Value: None


Required. Storage class where UDS will be installed. On IBM Cloud RedHat Openshift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) ibmc-block-bronze is the recommended value.

  • Environment Variable: UDS_STORAGE_CLASS
  • Default Value: None


Defines the frequency that BAS will collect event data. The value can be set following a cron tab format.

  • Default Value: @daily

cluster ingres tls secret name

Specify the name of the cluster's ingres tls secret which contains the default router certificate.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME
  • Default Value: router-certs-default

Role Variables - BASCfg Generation


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that the BasCfg configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a BasCfg template.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Local directory to save the generated BasCfg resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance to connect to BAS instance, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a BasCfg template.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_CONFIG_DIR
  • Default Value: None


Override the built-in segment key used by MAS when communicating with User Data Services. This variable is only used for the generation of the BASCfg template, and in 99% of use cases you will not need to set this.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_SEGMENT_KEY
  • Default Value: None


Sets the Contact e-mail address used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.

  • Required when mas_instance_id and mas_config_dir are set
  • Environment Variable: UDS_CONTACT_EMAIL
  • Default Value: None


Sets the Contact first name used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.

  • Required when mas_instance_id and mas_config_dir are set
  • Environment Variable: UDS_CONTACT_FIRSTNAME
  • Default Value: None


Sets the Contact last name used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.

  • Required when mas_instance_id and mas_config_dir are set
  • Environment Variable: UDS_CONTACT_LASTNAME
  • Default Value: None


Sets the UDS endpoint url used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.

  • Optional, used to instruct the role to set up MAS for an existing UDS instance.
  • Environment Variable: UDS_ENDPOINT_URL
  • Default Value: None


Sets the UDS TLS CA or Server Certificate used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.

  • Optional, used to instruct the role to set up MAS for an existing UDS instance.
  • Environment Variable: UDS_TLS_CERT
  • Default Value: None


The path on the local system to a file containing the TLS CA certificate of the AnalyticsProxy to be used when the Maximo Application Suite is registered with UDS. This variable is only used if uds_tls_crt has not been set.

  • Optional, used to instruct the role to set up MAS for an existing SLS instance.
  • Environment Variable: UDS_TLS_CERT_LOCAL_FILE
  • Default Value: None


Sets the UDS api key used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.

  • Optional, used to instruct the role to set up MAS for an existing UDS instance.
  • Environment Variable: UDS_API_KEY
  • Default Value: None


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CUSTOM_LABELS
  • Default Value: None


Provide the directory where supported pod templates configuration files are defined. This role will look for a configuration file named ibm-mas-bascfg.yml in the named directory. The content of the configuration file should be the yaml block that you wish to be inserted into the BasCfg spec under a top level podTemplates element, e.g. podTemplates: {object}.

For examples refer to the BestEfforts reference configuration in the MAS CLI, for full documentation of the supported options refer to the Customizing Pod Templates in the product documentation.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_POD_TEMPLATES_DIR
  • Default: None


Optional. When set to True, includes the complete certificates chain in the generated MAS configuration, when a trusted certificate authority is found in your cluster's ingress.

  • Optional
  • Default: False

Example Playbook

Install in-cluster and generate MAS configuration

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    uds_storage_class: ibmc-block-bronze

    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig

      email: 'john@email.com'
      first_name: 'john'
      last_name: 'winter'
  - ibm.mas_devops.uds

Generate MAS configuration for existing installation

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig

    uds_endpoint_url: "https://xxx"
    uds_api_key: "xxx"
    uds_tls_crt_local_file_path: "/path/to/uds.crt"

      email: 'john@email.com'
      first_name: 'john'
      last_name: 'winter'
  - ibm.mas_devops.uds

