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Provision OCP cluster on IBM Cloud ROKS, ROSA, or DevIT Fyre.

Fyre clusters will be automatically reconfigured to enable NFS storage. By default this is made available via the nfs-client storage class and supports both ReadWriteOnce and ReadWriteMany access modes. The image-registry-storage PVC used by the OpenShift image registry component will also be reconfigured to use this storage class.

Role Variables¤


Specify the cluster type, supported values are fyre, roks, rosa, and ipi.


Specify the name of the cluster


The version of OCP to use. A specific version can be set, minor and patch level versions can be used, e.g. 4.15, or 4.15.16. Additionally, two version aliases are available; default will auto-select the newest version of OCP currently supported by IBM Maximo Application Suite, rotate will auto-select a predetermined version of OCP currently supported by IBM Maximo Application Suite based on the day of the week. This latter option is primarily useful for testing purposes.


When using the IBMCloud Red Hat OpenShift Service (ROKS) the version must be followed by _openshift, e.g. 4.15_openshift or 4.15.16_openshift

Role Variables - GPU Node Support¤


Flag that determines if GPU worker nodes should be added during cluster creation (eg. needed for MVI application). This is currently only set up for ROKS clusters.


The name of the gpu worker pool to added to or modify in the cluster. If already existing, use the existing name to avoid recreating another gpu worker pool unless that is the goal.


The number of GPU worker nodes that will be deploy in the cluster. The node created will have mg4c.32x384.2xp100-GPU flavor. This variable depends on ocp_provision_gpu and is currently supported on ROKS clusters only.


The number of compute nodes (i.e. worker nodes) allocate to the OCP cluster.


The number of control plane nodes (i.e. master nodes) allocate to the OCP cluster.


The name of the gpu worker pool to added to or modify in the cluster. If already existing, use the existing name to avoid recreating another gpu worker pool unless that is the goal.

Role Variables - ROKS¤

The following variables are only used when cluster_type = roks.


The APIKey to be used by ibmcloud login comand.


Override the default IBMCloud API endpoint.


The resource group to create the cluster inside.


IBM Cloud zone where the cluster should be provisioned.


Worker node flavor


Number of worker nodes for the roks cluster


Can be used to specify additional parameters for the cluster creation

Role Variables - ROSA¤

The following variables are only used when cluster_type = rosa.


Token to authenticate to the ROSA service. To obtain your API token login to the OpenShift cluster manager.


Password to set up for the cluster-admin user account on the OCP instance. You will need this to log onto the cluster after it is provisioned. If this is not set then a password is auto-generated.


Number of compute nodes to deploy in the cluster.


Worker nodes machine


Config directory to hold the rosa-{{cluster_name}}-details.yaml file that contains the api endpoint and cluster-admin details

Role Variables - FYRE¤

The following variables are only used when cluster_type = fyre.


Username to authenticate with Fyre API.


API key to authenticate with Fyre API.


Type of quota to draw from when provisioning the cluster, valid options are quick_burn and product_group.


The Product ID that the cluster will be associated with for accounting purposes.


Provide a site in Fyre where cluster will be provisioned


Provide a description for the cluster.


Set to true to provision a FIPS enabled cluster.


The name of one of Fyre's pre-defined cluster sizes to use for the new cluster.


The number of worker nodes to provision in the cluster.


The amount of CPU to assign to each worker node (maximum value supported by FYRE 16).


The amount of memory to assign to each worker node (maximum value supported by FYRE 64).


The size of additional disks in Gb added to each worker node, defined in a comma-seperated list, e.g. 400,400 will add two 400gb disks to each worker node. By default no additional disks will be attached.


Enables the use of NFS storage classes in the Fyre cluster. When enabled, the existing image registry PVC will be deleted and recreated configured to use the newly available NFS storage class.


Defines the image registry storage size when configured to use NFS. The size allocated cannot be superior of storage available in the Fyre Infrastructure node.


Enable IPv6. This is for Fyre at RTP site only.

Role Variables - IPI¤

These variables are only used when cluster_type = ipi.


IPI stands for Installer Provisioned Infrastructure. OpenShift offers two possible deployment methods: IPI and UPI (User Provisioned Infrastructure). The difference is the degree of automation and customization. IPI will not only deploy OpenShift but also all infrastructure components and configurations.


Platform to create the cluster on. Technically, any platform supported by openshift-install should work here, but currently we have only specifically tested on aws and gcp , where aws is the default value.


Platform region where OCP cluster will be created.


Specify the base domain of the cluster that will be provisioned.


Location of the file containing your Redhat OpenShift pull secret. This file can be obtained from the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console


The working directory that is used to perform the installation, it will contain the openshift-install executable, its configuration files, & any generated logs.


Public SSH key value. It will be set in the OCP cluster nodes. Can be used to SSH into the OCP cluster nodes using a bastion.


Control plane node type.


The number of master nodes to provision to form the control plane of your cluster.


Compute node type.


The number of worker nodes to provsision in the cluster, providing your compute resource.


The size of root volume in GiB.

Role Variables - AWS¤

The following variables are only used when cluster_type = ipi and ipi_platform = aws.


AWS access key associated with an IAM user or role. Make sure the access key has permissions to create instances.


AWS secret access key associated with an IAM user or role.

Role Variables - GCP¤

The following variables are only used when cluster_type = ipi and ipi_platform = gcp.


GCP service account file path. Make sure the service account has permissions to create instances.


GCP project id in which the cluster will be deployed.

Example Playbook¤

- hosts: localhost
    cluster_type: roks
    cluster_name: mycluster
    ocp_version: 4.10

    ibmcloud_apikey: xxxxx
    - ibm.mas_devops.ocp_provision

