
This role currently supports provisioning of mongodb in three different providers: - community - aws (documentdb) - ibm


According to the MongoDB Software Lifecycle Schedules MongoDB 4.4 will reach end of life in February of 2024. Given this fact it is encouraged that either MongoDB 5 or 6 be used for MAS Deployments. The MAS Devops Ansible Collection can be used to install or upgrade MongoDB when the selected service provider is community. If the MonogDB instance used by MAS is hosted by a third party please consult the applicable documentation with respect to MongoDB 5 or 6 options. If the MongoDB instance is hosted on premises please review the appropriate MongoDB documentation related to upgrading. As a best practice it is advised perform MongoDB backups on a regular basis. This is especially important before any upgrade of MongoDB.

If the selected provider is community then the MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator will be configured and deployed into the specified namespace. By default a three member MongoDB replica set will be created. The cluster will bind six PVCs, these provide persistence for the data and system logs across the three nodes. Currently there is no support built-in for customizing the cluster beyond this configuration.


The role will generate a yaml file containing the definition of a Secret and MongoCfg resource that can be used to configure the deployed instance as the MAS system MongoDb.

This file can be directly applied using oc apply -f $MAS_CONFIG_DIR/mongocfg-mongoce-system.yaml or used in conjunction with the suite_config role.


To run this role with providers as ibm or aws you must have already installed the AWS CLI. Also, you need to have AWS user credentials configured via aws configure command or simply export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables with your corresponding AWS username credentials prior running this role when provider is either ibm or aws.

To run the docdb_secret_rotate MONGODB_ACTION when the provider is aws you must have already installed the Mongo Shell.

This role will install a GrafanaDashboard used for monitoring the MongoDB instance when the provided is community and you have run the cluster_monitoring role previously. If you did not run the cluster_monitoring role then the GrafanaDashboard won't be installed.

Common Role Variables for all providers


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that the MongoCfg configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a MongoCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Local directory to save the generated MongoCfg resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance to connect to the Mongo cluster, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a MongoCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_CONFIG_DIR
  • Default Value: None


MongoDB provider

  • Environment variable: MONGODB_PROVIDER
  • Defult Value: community
  • Supported providers: community,aws,ibm


Determines which action needs to be performed w.r.t mongodb for a specfied provider

  • Environment variable: MONGODB_ACTION
  • Default Value: install ``` Following Providers supports below mentioned MONGODB_ACTION values:
  • Provider : community Supported MONGODB_ACTION values : install,uninstall
  • Provider: aws Supported MONGODB_ACTION values : install,uninstall,docdb_secret_rotate
  • Provider: ibm Supported MONGODB_ACTION values : install,uninstall,backup,restore,create-mongo-service-credentials ```

Community MongoDB Role Variables

Role Variables


The namespace where the operator and MongoDb cluster will be deployed.

  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_NAMESPACE
  • Default Value: mongoce


Defines the specific mongo version to be used. Best practice would be to use the version associated with the current Maximo Application Suite catalog. However, this value can currently be overridden to 4.4.21, 5.0.21, 5.0.23, 6.0.10 or 6.0.12


It is advised to never attempt a downgrade a MongoDB instance managed by the MAS Devops Ansible Collection. Also best practices should include creating scheduled backups of any MongoDB instance.


Required. The name of the storage class to configure the MongoDb operator to use for persistent storage in the MongoDb cluster.

  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_STORAGE_CLASS
  • Default Value: None


The size of the PVC that will be created for data storage in the cluster.

  • Default Value: 20Gi


The size of the PVC that will be created for log storage in the cluster.

  • Default Value: 20Gi


The CPU limits on the mongodb container.

  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_CPU_LIMITS
  • Default Value: 1


The Memory limits on the mongodb container.

  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_MEM_LIMITS
  • Default Value: 1Gi


The CPU requests on the mongodb container.

  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_CPU_REQUESTS
  • Default Value: 500m


The Memory requests on the mongodb container.

  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_MEM_REQUESTS
  • Default Value: 1Gi


The number of the mongodb replica set members. Default is 3. Set to 1 for SNO Cluster. - Environment Variable: MONGODB_REPLICAS - Default Value: 3


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CUSTOM_LABELS
  • Default Value: None


Set this to true to confirm you want to upgrade your existing Mongo instance from version 4.2 or 4.4 to version 5.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_V5_UPGRADE
  • Default Value: false


Set this to true to confirm you want to upgrade your existing Mongo instance from version 5 to version 6.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MONGODB_V5_UPGRADE
  • Default Value: false

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mongodb_storage_class: ibmc-block-gold
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig
    - ibm.mas_devops.mongodb



Please be cautious while performing any of the troubleshooting steps outlined below. It is important to understand that the MongoDB Community operator persists data within Persistent Volume Claims. These claims should not be removed inadvertent deletion of the mongoce namespace could result in data loss.

MongoDB Replica Set Pods Will Not Start

MongoDB 5 has introduced new platform specific requirements. Please consult the Platform Support Notes for detailed information.

It is of particular importance to confirm that the AVX instruction set is exposed or available to the MongoDB workloads. This can easily be determined by entering any running pod on the same OpenShift cluster where MongoDB replica set members are failing to start. Once inside of a running pod the following command can be executed to confirm if the AVX instruction set is available:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags | grep avx

If avx is not found in the available flags then either the physical processor hosting the OpenShift cluster does not provide the AVX instruction set or the virtual host configuration is not exposing the AVX instruction set. If the latter is suspected the virtual hosting documentation should be referenced for details on how to expose the AVX instruction set.

CA Certificate Renewal


If the MongoDB CA Certificate expires the MongoDB replica set will become unusable. Replica set members will not be able to communicate with each other and client applications (i.e. Maximo Application Suite components) will not be to connect.

In order to renew the CA Certificate used by the MongoDB replica set the following steps must be taken:

  • Delete the CA Certificate resource
  • Delete the MongoDB server Certificate resource
  • Delete the Secrets resources associated with both the CA Certificate and Server Certificate
  • Delete the Secret resource which contains the MongoDB configuration parameters
  • Delete the ConfigMap resources which contains the CA certificate
  • Delete the Secret resource which contains the sever certificate and private key

The following steps illustrate the process required to renew the CA Certificate, sever certificate and reconfigure the MongoDB replica set with the new CA and server certificates.

The first step is to stop the Mongo replica set and MongoDb CE Operator pod.

oc project mongoce
oc delete deployment mongodb-kubernetes-operator


Make sure the MongoDB Community operator pod has terminated before proceeding.

oc delete statefulset mas-mongo-ce


Make sure all pods in the mongoce namespace have terminated before proceeding

Remove expired CA Certificate and Server Certificate resources. Clean up MongoDB Community configuration and then run the mongodb role.

oc delete certificate mongo-ca-crt
oc delete certificate mongo-server
oc delete secret mongo-ca-secret
oc delete secret mongo-server-cert

oc delete secret mas-mongo-ce-config
oc delete configmap  mas-mongo-ce-cert-map
oc delete secret mas-mongo-ce-server-certificate-key

export ROLE_NAME=mongodb
ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role

Once the mongodb role has completed the MongoDb CE Operator pod and Mongo replica set should be configured.

After the CA and server Certificates have been renewed you must ensure that that MongoCfg Suite CR is updated with the new CA Certificate. First obtain the CA Certificate from the Secret resource mongo-ca-secret. Then edit the Suite MongoCfg CR in the Maximo Application Suite core namespace. This is done by updating the appropriate certificate under .spec.certificates in the MongoCfg CR:

    - alias: ca
      crt: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

If an IBM Suite Licensing Service (SLS) is also connecting to the MongoDB replica set the LicenseService CR must also be updated to reflect the new MongoDB CA. This can be added to the .spec.mongo.certificates section of the LicenseService CR.

      - alias: mongoca
        crt: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

          -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Once the CA certificate has been updated for the MongoCfg and LicenseService CRs several pods in the core and SLS namespaces might need to be restarted to pick up the changes. This would include but is not limited to coreidp, coreapi, api-licensing.

IBM Cloud MongoDB Role Variables


Required. IBM Cloud Mongo database instance name.

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_NAME
  • Default Value: mongo-${MAS_INSTANCE_ID}


Optional. Sets IBM Cloud Mongo database administrator user password. If not set, an auto-generated 20 character length string will be used.

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD
  • Default Value: None.


Secret for MongoDB Admin credentials.

  • Secret Name: <mongo-name>-admin-credentials


Secret for MongoDB Service credentials.

  • Secret Name: <mongo-name>-service-credentials


Required.IBM Cloud Resource Group under which resource group will be created.

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_RESOURCEGROUP
  • Default Value: Default


Required.IBM Cloud region where MongoDB resources will be created.

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_REGION
  • Default Value: us-east


Required.IBM Cloud API Key.

  • Environment Variable: IBMCLOUD_APIKEY


Plan name for this IBMCloud Service.

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_PLAN
  • Default Value: standard


IBMCloud Offering name for MongoDB Database

  • Value: databases-for-mongodb


MongoDB Service Endpoints type can be either public or private

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_SERVICE_ENDPOINTS
  • Default Value: public


Specify MongoDB version to be deployed

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_VERSION
  • Default Value: 4.2


Specify MongoDB Memory size

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_MEMORY
  • Default Value: 3840


Specify MongoDB Disk size

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_DISK
  • Default Value: 30720


Specify MongoDB CPU

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_CPU
  • Default Value: 0


Resource Name in IBMCloud for MongoDB

  • Value: mongo-{{mas_instance_id}}


Required only if is_restore is True CRN ID for backup resource

  • Environment Variable: IBM_MONGO_BACKUP_ID
  • Default Value: ``


Whether want to restore from an existing backup resource or not.

  • Environment Variable: IS_RESTORE
  • Default Value: false


Required only If is_restore is True.MongoDB Service Name


Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig
    mongodb_provider: ibm
    ibmcloud_apikey: apikey****
    ibmcloud_resource_group: mas-test
    - ibm.mas_devops.mongodb

AWS DocumentDB Role Variables


Required.AWS Account Access Key Id

  • Environment Variable: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID


Required.AWS Account Secret Access Key

  • Environment Variable: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY


Required.AWS Region where DocumentDB and other resources will be created

  • Environment Variable: AWS_REGION
  • Default Value: us-east-2


Required.AWS VPC ID under which documentdb,subnets and security group will be created

  • Environment Variable: VPC_ID


Required.DocumentDB Cluster Name

  • Environment Variable: DOCDB_CLUSTER_NAME


DocumentDB Subnet Group Name

  • Value: docdb-{{ docdb_cluster_name }}


DocumentDB Security Group Name

  • Value: docdb-{{ docdb_cluster_name }}


DocumentDB Admin Credentials Secret Name

  • Value: {{ docdb_cluster_name }}-admin-credentials


DocumentDB Engine version

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_ENGINE_VERSION
  • Default Value: 4.0.0


DocumentDB master username

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_MASTER_USERNAME
  • Default Value: docdbadmin


DocumentDB Instance Class

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_INSTANCE_CLASS
  • Default Value: db.t3.medium


Number of instances required for DocumentDB

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_INSTANCE_NUMBER
  • Default Value: 3


Required. Prefix for DocumentDB Instance name



Required. IPv4 Address from which incoming connection requests will be allowed to DocumentDB cluster e.g Provide IPv4 CIDR address of VPC where ROSA cluster is installed

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_INGRESS_CIDR


Required. IPv4 Address at which outgoing connection requests will be allowed to DocumentDB cluster e.g Provide IPv4 CIDR address of VPC where ROSA cluster is installed

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_EGRESS_CIDR


Required. Provide IPv4 CIDR address for the subnet to be created in one of the 3 availabilty zones of your VPC. If the subnet exists already then it must contain the tag of Name: {{ docdb_cluster_name }}, if the subnet doesn't exist already then one is created.

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_CIDR_AZ1


Required. Provide IPv4 CIDR address for the subnet to be created in one of the 3 availabilty zones of your VPC. If the subnet exists already then it must contain the tag of Name: {{ docdb_cluster_name }}, if the subnet doesn't exist already then one is created.

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_CIDR_AZ2


Required. Provide IPv4 CIDR address for the subnet to be created in one of the 3 availabilty zones of your VPC. If the subnet exists already then it must contain the tag of Name: {{ docdb_cluster_name }}, if the subnet doesn't exist already then one is created.

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_CIDR_AZ3

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig
    mongodb_provider: aws
    mongodb_action: provision
    docdb_size: ~/docdb-config.yml
    docdb_cluster_name: test-db
    docdb_instance_identifier_prefix: test-db-instance
    vpc_id: test-vpc-id
    aws_access_key_id: aws-key
    aws_secret_access_key: aws-access-key

    - ibm.mas_devops.mongodb

AWS DocumentDB Secret Rotate role Variables


Required. DocumentDB Instance Name

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_MONGO_INSTANCE_NAME


Required. Any one Host Address out of multiple documentDB Instances

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_HOST


Required. Corresponding port address of DocumentDB Instance Host

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_PORT


Required. Specify username for which password is being changed

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_INSTANCE_USERNAME


Required. Specify the old user password

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_PASSWORD_OLD


Required. DocumentDB Master Username

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_MASTER_PASSWORD


Required. DocumentDB Master Password

  • Environment variable: DOCDB_MASTER_USERNAME

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig
    mongodb_provider: aws
    mongodb_action: docdb_secret_rotate
    docdb_mongo_instance_name: test-db-instance
    db_host: aws.test1.host7283-*****
    db_port: 27017
    docdb_master_username: admin
    docdb_master_password: pass***
    docdb_instance_password_old: oldpass****
    docdb_instance_username: testuser
    aws_access_key_id: aws-key
    aws_secret_access_key: aws-access-key

    - ibm.mas_devops.mongodb

