
Create a Docker Registry running on RedHat OpenShift cluster. The registry will be backed by persistant storage, and accessible via either a clusterIP or loadbalancer service. This role can also be used to delete a docker registry on a cluster for a clean start. See usage below for more information.


If you set up the registry with a loadbalancer service you will be able to push to the registry via the cluster's hostname, but before you can use the registry you will need to install the registry's CA certificate and restart the Docker daemon so that your client trusts the new registry:

CACERT=$(oc -n airgap-registry get secret airgap-registry-certificate -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d)
DOMAIN=$(oc get ingress.config cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}')
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/$DOMAIN\:32500/
sudo echo "$CACERT" > /etc/docker/certs.d/$DOMAIN\:32500/ca.crt
sudo service docker restart

You can now use the registry as normal:

DOMAIN=$(oc get ingress.config cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}')
docker pull
docker tag $DOMAIN:32500/ubi8/ubi-minimal
docker push $DOMAIN:32500/ubi8/ubi-minimal

If you set up the registry with a clusterip service you will only be able to push to the registry after using port forwarding:

oc -n airgap-registry port-forward deployment/airgap-registry 9000:5000

docker pull
docker tag localhost:9000/ubi8/ubi-minimal
docker push localhost:9000/ubi8/ubi-minimal

However, you will still need to set up Docker trust for the "local" registry:

CACERT=$(oc -n airgap-registry get secret airgap-registry-certificate -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d)
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/$DOMAIN\:32500/
sudo mkdir /etc/docker/certs.d/localhost\:9000
sudo echo "$CACERT" > /etc/docker/certs.d/localhost\:9000/ca.crt
sudo service docker restart

Usage for tear-down action

This role can also be used to permanently delete a mirror registry from a given cluster by setting the registry_action to tear-down and specifying the corresponding registry_namespace, if not using the default value.

Note that the tear-down action deletes the registry completely including the PVC storage and the registry namespace. To start up the registry again, the role needs to be run again with the registry_action on default or setup. Images previously stored in the registry before the tear-down will no longer be available and will need to be mirrored again once the registry setup has completed. Take precaution when using this function and expect that images can no longer be accessed from the registry that has been torn down.

Note: Recreating the registry will also create a new ca cert for the new registry.

An appropriate time to use this tear-down function is when the registry has too many images that are not being used or when there has been a shift to support newer versions but images of older versions are clogging the registry. The tear-down function frees the disk space and allows for a new registry to be setup.

Role Variables


The action to perform with this role. Can be set to tear-down to remove an existing registry and its namespace. Default is setup

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: REGISTRY_ACTION
  • Default Value: setup


The namespace where the registry to run

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: REGISTRY_NAMESPACE
  • Default Value: airgap-registry


Required. The name of the storage class to configure the MongoDb operator to use for persistent storage in the MongoDb cluster.

  • Required, unless running in IBM Cloud ROKS, where the storage class will default to ibmc-block-gold.
  • Environment Variable: REGISTRY_STORAGE_CLASS
  • Default Value: None


The size of the PVC that will be created for data storage in the cluster.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: REGISTRY_STORAGE_CAPACITY
  • Default Value: 100Gi


The type of service to set up in front of the registry, either loadbalancer or clusterip. Using loadbalancer will allow you to access the registry from outside of your cluster via the cluster domain on port 32500. If you have other loadbalancers on the cluster that already claim port 32500 this role can not be usedbecause currently the loadbalancer port can not be customised.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: REGISTRY_SERVICE_TYPE
  • Default Value: loadbalancer

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    registry_storage_class: ibmc-block-gold
    registry_storage_capacity: 500Gb
    registry_service_type: loadbalancer
    - ibm.mas_devops.registry

