
This role install Maximo Application Suite. It internally resolve the namespace based on the mas_instance_id as mas-{mas_instance_id}-core.

Role Variables


Defines the catalog to be used to install MAS. You can set it to ibm-operator-catalog for both release as well as for development install


Required when using this role for development versions of MAS


Required when using this role for development versions of MAS


Defines which channel of MAS to subscribe to


Optional fact, if not provided the role will use the default cluster subdomain


Defines the instance id to be used for MAS installation


Defines the entitled registry from the images should be pulled from. Set this to when installing release version of MAS or for dev


Defines the registry for non entitled images, such as operators. Set this to when installing release version of MAS or for dev


Username for entitled registry. This username will be used to create the image pull secret. Set to cp when installing release or use your w3Id for dev.


API Key for entitled registry. This password will be used to create the image pull secret. Set to with IBM entitlement key when installing release or use your artifactory apikey for dev.


Directory containing configuration files (*.yaml and *.yml) to be applied to the MAS installation. Intended for creating the various MAS custom resources to configure the suite post-install, but can be used to apply any kubernetes resource you need to customize any aspect of your cluster.


The namespace containing the cert-manager to be used by MAS


Provide a list of comma-separated key=value pairs which will be applied as labels on all resources created. This variable takes a comma separated list of annotations. For example, to deploy your suite in non production mode, set this to or set MAS_ANNOTATIONS environment variable as export

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_ANNOTATIONS
  • Default: None


Sets spec.settings.imagePullPolicy, controlling the pod image pull policies in the suite (Always, IfNotPresent, Never). When not set the built-in operator default image pull policy will be used.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_IMG_PULL_POLICY
  • Default: None


Provide a list of comma-separated key=value pairs which will be applied as labels on all resources created.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CUSTOM_LABELS,
  • Default: None


Boolean variable that, when set to True, enable manual certificate management.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_MANUAL_CERT_MGMT,
  • Default: False


Boolean variable that defines whether default Certificate Authorities are included in MAS trust stores. This only has an effect with IBM Maximo Application Suite version 8.11 and above

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_TRUST_DEFAULT_CAS,
  • Default: True


Provide the directory where supported pod templates configuration files are defined. This role will look for a configuration files named ibm-mas-suite.yml, ibm-mas-coreidp.yml and ibm-data-dictionary-assetdatadictionary.yml in the named directory. The content of the configuration file should be the yaml block that you wish to be inserted into the Suite spec under a top level podTemplates element, e.g. podTemplates: {object}. For ibm-data-dictionary the podTemplates will be inserted into the Suite spec under settings->dataDictionary->podTemplates. The ibm-mas-suite operator will then pass this on to the AssetDataDictionary CR when available.

For examples refer to the BestEfforts reference configuration in the MAS CLI, for full documentation of the supported options refer to the Customizing Pod Templates in the product documentation.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MAS_POD_TEMPLATES_DIR
  • Default: None


Boolean variable that indicates whether it is to install in an IPv6-enabled environment. If it is true, the suite CR will have the SingleStack for ipFamilyPolicy and ["IPv6"] for ipFamilies. These ipFamily properties will be populated to all the services. This is currently available only in internal fyre clusters at the RTP site for testing purpose.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: ENABLE_IPv6,
  • Default: False

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: "inst1"
    mas_config_dir: "/home/david/masconfig"
    mas_entitlement_key: "{{ lookup('env', 'IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY') }}"

    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_install
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_config
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_verify

