
This role extends support for importing certificates into Manage application's workspace. Note: This role should be executed after Manage application is deployed and activated as it needs Manage up and running prior importing new certificates.

You can run this as standalone role, providing a local path for a file that contains the Manage certificates definition (manage_certificates_file_path_local variable).

Or you can invoke this role inside another playbook/role, passing the Manage certificates content as a list variable (manage_certificates) and an alias prefix as a string variable (manage_certificates_alias_prefix). The certificate alias name will be concatenated with the alias prefix plus auto incremented accordingly to the number of certificates provided i.e If you provide a list with 3 certificates, and define manage_certificates_alias_prefix: myaliasprefixpart, then the alias name will be myaliasprefixpart1; myaliasprefixpart2; myaliasprefixpart3

Role Variables


Required. The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite. This will be used to lookup for Manage application resources.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Required. The workspace ID of Maximo Application Suite. This will be used to lookup for Manage application resources.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_WORKSPACE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Optional. Name of the ManageWorkspace Custom Resource that will be targeted to import the new certificates.

  • Environment Variable: MANAGE_WORKSPACE_CR_NAME


Required if running as standalone role. This defines a local path pointing the certificates definition from a custom file. Sample file definition can be found in files/manage-certs-sample.yml.

  • Default Value: None

Example Playbook

The following sample can be used to import Manage certificates for an existing Manage instance, using a local path pointing the certificates definition from a custom file.

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_workspace_id: masdev
    manage_certificates_file_path_local: /my-path/manage-certs.yml
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_manage_import_certs_config

The following sample can be used to import Manage certificates for an existing Manage instance, passing the certificates and prefix from a variable.

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_workspace_id: masdev
    manage_certificates: ['-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- << your-cert-content >> -----END CERTIFICATE-----']
    manage_certificates_alias_prefix: "myaliasprefixpart"
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_manage_import_certs_config

Run Role Playbook

After installing the Ansible Collection you can easily run the role standalone using the run_role playbook provided.

```bash export MAS_INSTANCE_ID=masinst1 export MAS_WORKSPACE_ID=masdev export MANAGE_CERTIFICATES_FILE_PATH_LOCAL=/my-path/manage-certs.yml ROLE_NAME='suite_manage_import_certs_config' ansible-playbook playbooks/run_role.yml

