
Use the following command to verify the effect of any labels and taints that you apply to a node:

oc get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=xxx

Role Variables - Node Selection

Use either ocp_node_name or ocp_node_index to identify the node to be modified. If you specify both then the index will take priority over the name, if you specify neither then the role will fail to execute.


The name of the node to work with

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_NODE_NAME
  • Default: None


The index (in the list of nodes) of the node to work with. Note that the index starts at 0 (so use ocp_node_index=0 if you want to work with the first node).

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_NODE_INDEX
  • Default: None

Role Variables - Node Labels


A comma-seperated list of labels to add to the selected node

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_NODE_LABEL_KEYS
  • Default: None


A comma-seperated list of values for the labels being created

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_NODE_LABEL_VALUES
  • Default: None

Role Variables - Node Taints


A comma-seperated list of taints to add to the selected node

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_NODE_TAINT_KEYS
  • Default: None


A comma-seperated list of values for the taints being created

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_NODE_TAINT_VALUES
  • Default: None


A comma-seperated list of taint effects to set:

  • NoSchedule: New pods will not be scheduled onto the node
  • PreferNoSchedule: New pods try not to be scheduled onto the node
  • NoExecute: New pods are not schedules onto the node, existing pods are removed

  • Optional

  • Environment Variable: OCP_NODE_TAINT_EFFECTS
  • Default: None

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    # Turn this worker node into a dedicated Db2 worker node
    ocp_node_name: ""

    # Add the label that will be applied to all dedicated Db2 nodes
    # this will be used to direct Db2 workloads to these nodes
    ocp_node_label_keys: workload
    ocp_node_label_values: db2

    # Set a taint preventing anything other than Db2 workloads for masinst1 running
    # on this node specific Db2 node
    ocp_node_taint_keys: dedicatedDb2Node
    ocp_node_taint_values: masinst1
    ocp_node_taint_effects: NoExecute

    - ibm.mas_devops.ocp_node_config

