
This role provides to support to configure cluster oauth using GitHub.


Make sure you have configured the oauth app in GitHub organization before use this role. When configuring make sure to use ibmgithub as the oauth id. Requires organization admin permission to perform this action.

Role Variables

  • oauth.github_client_secret_value Secret value provided by the GitHub oauth app configuration.
  • ouath.github_client_id_value Client ID value provided by the GitHub oauth app configuration.
  • oauth.github_hostname can be used to target public GitHub or an enterprise account (e.g. github.ibm.com)
  • oauth.groups List of groups to be created and its cluster role bindings
  • oauth.groups.name Defines the name of the group
  • oauth.groups.users List of users to be added to the group
  • oauth.groups.groups_cluster_rolebindings List of cluster role bindings to be created for the group
  • oauth.organizations List of GitHub organizations where the authentication will be performed

Example Playbook

TODO: Add example

