
This role provides support for: - Provisioning and Configuring Cloud Object Storage in MAS. It currently supports two providers:

  • In-cluster Ceph Object Storage leveraging OpenShift Container Storage
  • IBM Cloud Object Storage

  • Deprovision Cloud Object Store. It currently supports one provider:

    • IBM Cloud Object Storage

Currently this role only supports generating a system-scoped ObjectStorageCfg resource, but the generated file can be modified if you wish to use other scopes.

Role Variables

IBM Cloud Object Storage (ibm)



Required. Which COS provider to use; can be set to either ibm for IBM Cloud Object Storage or ocs for OpenShift Container Storage

  • Environment Variable: COS_TYPE
  • Default Value: None


Required. Which action you want to run for the COS instance. You can either provision or deprovision a COS instance in your IBM Cloud account.

  • Environment Variable: COS_ACTION
  • Default Value: provision


Provide an optional name for the Object Storage instance. This is only used when cos_type is set to ibm for IBM Cloud Object Storage.

  • Environment Variable: COS_INSTANCE_NAME
  • Default Value: Object Storage for MAS, if mas_instance_id is set the MAS instance ID will be appended to this name.


Required. The location where the instance available - Environment Variable: COS_LOCATION - Default Value: global


Required (For Provisioning). The plan type of the service - Environment Variable: COS_PLAN - Default Value: standard


Required (For Provisioning). The COS region location url endpoint. Needed to generage a system-scoped ObjectStorageCfg resource configuration file for MAS. - Environment Variable: COS_REGION_LOCATION_URL - Default Value:


Provide an optional role when cos service credential is getting created during COS provisioning. - Environment Variable: COS_RESOURCE_KEY_IAM_ROLE - Default Value: Manager


Required if cos_type is set to ibm. Provide your IBM Cloud API Key.

  • Environment Variable: IBMCLOUD_APIKEY
  • Default Value: None


Only used when cos_type is set to ibm. Provide the name of the resource group which will own the COS instance.

  • Environment Variable: IBMCLOUD_RESOURCEGROUP
  • Default Value: Default


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that the ObjectStorageCfg configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a ObjectStorageCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Local directory to save the generated ObjectStorageCfg resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance to connect to the Kafka cluster, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a ObjectStorageCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_CONFIG_DIR
  • Default Value: None

cluster ingres tls secret name

Specify the name of the cluster's ingres tls secret which contains the default router certificate.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: OCP_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME
  • Default Value: router-certs-default


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CUSTOM_LABELS
  • Default Value: None


Optional. When set to True, includes the complete certificates chain in the generated MAS configuration, when a trusted certificate authority is found in your cluster's ingress.

  • Optional
  • Default: False

Example Playbook

Create the Ceph Object store on the existing OCS cluster and prepare the objectstorageCfg yaml to mas_config_dir.

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    cos_type: ocs
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig
    - ibm.mas_devops.cos

Create the IBM Cloud Object storage Instance and prepare the objectstorageCfg yaml to mas_config_dir.

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    cos_type: ibm
    ibmcloud_apikey: <Your IBM Cloud API Key>
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig
    - ibm.mas_devops.cos

