
This role will create an AWS IAM Policy from a JSON file in the targeted AWS account.


To run this role successfully you must have already installed the AWS CLI. Also, you need to have AWS user credentials configured via aws configure command or simply export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables with your corresponding AWS username credentials prior running this role.

Role Variables


AWS Policy name.

  • Required.
  • Environment Variable: AWS_POLICY_NAME
  • Default Value: None


Local path for the AWS Policy json file. The AWS Policy json file should be structured as the sample found in /files/policy-template-sample.json

  • Required.
  • Environment Variable: AWS_POLICY_JSON_FILE_PATH_LOCAL
  • Default Value: None

Example Playbook

After installing the Ansible Collection you can include this role in your own custom playbooks.

- hosts: localhost
    aws_policy: "{{ lookup('env', 'AWS_POLICY_NAME') }}"
    aws_policy_json_file_path_local: "{{ lookup('env', 'AWS_POLICY_JSON_FILE_PATH_LOCAL') }}"
    - ibm.mas_devops.aws_policy

Run Role Playbook

After installing the Ansible Collection you can easily run the role standalone using the run_role playbook provided.

export AWS_POLICY_NAME=my-aws-policy
export AWS_POLICY_JSON_FILE_PATH_LOCAL=/tmp/local/my-aws-policy.json
ROLE_NAME=aws_policy ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role

