
This role provides support to install a Kafka Cluster using Strimzi, Red Hat AMQ Streams, IBM Event Streams or AWS MSK and generate configuration that can be directly applied to Maximo Application Suite.

Both Strimzi and Red Hat AMQ streams component are massively scalable, distributed, and high-performance data streaming platform based on the Apache Kafka project. Both offer a distributed backbone that allows microservices and other applications to share data with high throughput and low latency.

As more applications move to Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift, it is increasingly important to be able to run the communication infrastructure on the same platform. Red Hat OpenShift, as a highly scalable platform, is a natural fit for messaging technologies such as Kafka. The AMQ streams component makes running and managing Apache Kafka OpenShift native through the use of powerful operators that simplify the deployment, configuration, management, and use of Apache Kafka on Red Hat OpenShift.

The AMQ streams component is part of the Red Hat AMQ family, which also includes the AMQ broker, a longtime innovation leader in Java™ Message Service (JMS) and polyglot messaging, as well as the AMQ interconnect router, a wide-area, peer-to-peer messaging solution. Under the covers, AMQ streams leverages Strimzi's architecture, resources and configurations.

Note: The MAS license does not include entitlement for AMQ streams. The MAS Devops Collection supports this Kafka deployment as an example only. Therefore, we recommend the use of Strimzi for an opensource Kafka provider.


The role will generate a yaml file containing the definition of a Secret and KafkaCfg resource that can be used to configure the deployed cluster as the MAS system Kafka.

This file can be directly applied using oc apply -f $MAS_CONFIG_DIR/kafkacfg-amqstreams-system.yaml or used in conjunction with the suite_config role.

Role Variables


Action to be performed by Kafka role. Valid values are install, upgrade or uninstall. The upgrade action applies only to the strimzi and redhat providers.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_ACTION
  • Default Value: install


Valid kafka providers are strimzi (opensource), redhat (installs AMQ Streams which requires a license that is not included with MAS entitlement), ibm (provisions a paid Event Streams instance in the target IBM Cloud account) and aws (provisions a paid MSK instance in the target AWS account).

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_PROVIDER
  • Default Value: strimzi

Red Hat AMQ Streams & Strimzi Role Variables


The version of Kafka to deploy by the operator. Before changing the kafka_version make the version is supported by the amq-streams operator version or strimzi operator version.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_VERSION
  • Default Value: 3.5.0 for AMQ Streams and 3.5.1 for Strimzi.


The namespace where the operator and Kafka cluster will be deployed.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_NAMESPACE
  • Default Value: amq-streams for AMQ Streams and strimzi for Strimzi.


The name of the Kafka cluster that will be created

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_CLUSTER_NAME
  • Default Value: maskafka


The configuration to apply, there are two configurations available: small and large.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_CLUSTER_SIZE
  • Default Value: small


The name of the storage class to configure the AMQStreams operator to use for persistent storage in the Kafka cluster.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_STORAGE_CLASS
  • Default Value: lookup supported storage classes in the cluster


The size of the storage to configure the AMQStreams operator to use for persistent storage in the Kafka cluster.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_STORAGE_SIZE
  • Default Value: 100Gi


The name of the storage class to configure the AMQStreams operator to use for persistent storage in the Zookeeper cluster.

  • Environment Variable: ZOOKEEPER_STORAGE_CLASS
  • Default Value: lookup supported storage classes in the cluster


The size of the storage to configure the AMQStreams operator to use for persistent storage in the Zookeeper cluster.

  • Environment Variable: ZOOKEEPER_STORAGE_SIZE
  • Default Value: 10Gi


The name of the user to setup in the cluster for MAS.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_USER_NAME
  • Default Value: masuser

kafka_user_password (supported in Strimzi operator verion 0.25.0 - amq streams operator version 2.x)

The password of the user to setup in the cluster for MAS.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_USER_PASSWORD
  • Default Value: a randomly generated password is used if one is not specified


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that the KafkaCfg configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a KafkaCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Local directory to save the generated KafkaCfg resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance to connect to the Kafka cluster, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a KafkaCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_CONFIG_DIR
  • Default Value: None


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CUSTOM_LABELS
  • Default Value: None

IBM Cloud Evenstreams Role Variables


Defines IBM Cloud API Key. This API Key needs to have access to manage (provision/deprovision) IBM Cloud Event Streams.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: IBMCLOUD_APIKEY
  • Default Value: None


Defines the IBM Cloud Resource Group to target the Event Streams instance.

  • Optional
  • Default Value: Default or value defined by IBMCLOUD_RESOURCEGROUP


Event Streams instance name.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: EVENTSTREAMS_NAME
  • Default Value: None


Event Streams instance plan.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: EVENTSTREAMS_PLAN
  • Default Value: standard


  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: EVENTSTREAMS_LOCATION
  • Default Value: us-east or value defined by IBMCLOUD_REGION


Event Streams topic retention period (in miliseconds).

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: EVENTSTREAMS_RETENTION
  • Default Value: 1209600000


Defines whether to create specific Manage application JMS topics by default.

  • Optional
  • Default Value: True


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that the KafkaCfg configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a KafkaCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Local directory to save the generated KafkaCfg resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance to connect to the Kafka cluster, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a KafkaCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_CONFIG_DIR
  • Default Value: None


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CUSTOM_LABELS
  • Default Value: None

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    # Set storage class suitable for use on IBM Cloud ROKS
    kafka_storage_class: ibmc-block-gold

    # Generate a KafkaCfg template
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig
    - ibm.mas_devops.kafka

AWS MSK Role Variables


To run this role successfully you must have already installed the AWS CLI. Also, you need to have AWS user credentials configured via aws configure command or simply export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables with your corresponding AWS username credentials prior running this role.


The version of Kafka to deploy for AWS MSK.

  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_VERSION
  • Default Value: 3.3.1


The name of the Kafka cluster that will be created

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: KAFKA_CLUSTER_NAME
  • Default Value: maskafka


  • Required
  • Environment Variable: AWS_REGION
  • Default Value: None


The AWS Virtual Private Cloud identifier (VPC ID) where the MSK instance will be hosted.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: VPC_ID
  • Default Value: None


The CIDR address for the first Availability Zone subnet. This information is found in the subnet details under your VPC.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_CIDR_AZ1
  • Default Value: None


The CIDR address for the second Availability Zone subnet. This information is found in the subnet details under your VPC.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_CIDR_AZ2
  • Default Value: None


The CIDR address for the third Availability Zone subnet. This information is found in the subnet details under your VPC.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_CIDR_AZ3
  • Default Value: None


The IPv4 CIDR address for ingress connection. This information is found in the subnet details under your VPC.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_INGRESS_CIDR
  • Default Value: None


The IPv4 CIDR address for egress connection. This information is found in the subnet details under your VPC.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_EGRESS_CIDR
  • Default Value: None


The name of the user to setup in the cluster for MAS.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: AWS_KAFKA_USER_NAME
  • Default Value: None


The password of the user to setup in the cluster for MAS.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: AWS_KAFKA_USER_PASSWORD
  • Default Value: None


The type/flavor of your MSK instance.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_INSTANCE_TYPE
  • Default Value: kafka.m5.large


The storage/volume size of your MSK instance.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_VOLUME_SIZE
  • Default Value: 100


The number of broker/instances of your MSK instance.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_INSTANCE_NUMBER
  • Default Value: 3


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that the KafkaCfg configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a KafkaCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Local directory to save the generated KafkaCfg resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance to connect to the Kafka cluster, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a KafkaCfg template.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_CONFIG_DIR
  • Default Value: None


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CUSTOM_LABELS
  • Default Value: None


AWS MSK Secret name. The secret name must begin with the prefix AmazonMSK_. If this is not set, then default secret name will be AmazonMSK_SECRET_{{kafka_cluster_name}}

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: AWS_MSK_SECRET
  • Default Value: AmazonMSK_SECRET_{{kafka_cluster_name}}'

Example Playbook to install AWS MSK

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    aws_region: ca-central-1
    aws_access_key_id: *****
    aws_secret_access_key: *****
    kafka_version: 3.3.1
    kafka_provider: aws
    kafka_action: install
    kafka_cluster_name: msk-abcd0zyxw
    kafka_namespace: msk-abcd0zyxw
    vpc_id: vpc-07088da510b3c35c5
    aws_kafka_user_name: mskuser-abcd0zyxw
    aws_msk_instance_type: kafka.t3.small
    aws_msk_volume_size: 100
    aws_msk_instance_number: 3
    aws_msk_cidr_az1: ""
    aws_msk_cidr_az2: ""
    aws_msk_cidr_az3: ""
    aws_msk_ingress_cidr: ""
    aws_msk_egress_cidr: ""
    # Generate a KafkaCfg template
    mas_config_dir: /var/tmp/masconfigdir
    mas_instance_id: abcd0zyxw
    - ibm.mas_devops.kafka

Example Playbook to uninstall AWS MSK

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    aws_region: ca-central-1
    aws_access_key_id: *****
    aws_secret_access_key: *****
    vpc_id: vpc-07088da510b3c35c5
    kafka_provider: aws
    kafka_action: uninstall
    kafka_cluster_name: msk-abcd0zyxw
    aws_msk_cidr_az1: ""
    aws_msk_cidr_az2: ""
    aws_msk_cidr_az3: ""
    - ibm.mas_devops.kafka

