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This role creates or upgrades a Db2 instance using the Db2u Operator. When installing db2, the db2u operator will now be installed into the same namespace as the db2 instance (db2ucluster). If you already have db2 operator and db2 instances running in separate namespaces, this role will take care of migrating (by deleting & reinstalling) the db2 operators from ibm-common-services to the namespace defined by db2_namespace property (in case of a new role execution for a db2 install or db2 upgrade). A private root CA certificate is created and is used to secure the TLS connections to the database. A Db2 Warehouse cluster will be created along with a public TLS encrypted route to allow external access to the cluster (access is via the ssl-server nodeport port on the -db2u-engn-svc service). Internal access is via the -db2u-engn-svc service and port 50001. Both the external route and the internal service use the same server certificate.

The private root CA certificate and the server certificate are available from the db2u-ca and db2u-certificate secrets in the db2 namespace. The default user is db2inst1 and the password is available in the instancepassword secret in the same namespace. You can examine the deployed resources in the db2 namespace. This example assumes the default namespace db2u:

oc -n db2u get db2ucluster

db2u-db01   Ready   None               29m

It typically takes 20-30 minutes from the db2ucluster being created till it is ready. If the db2ucluster is not ready after that period then check that all the PersistentVolumeClaims in the db2 namespace are ready and that the pods in the namespace are not stuck in init state. If the c-<db2_instance_name>-db2u-0 pod is running then you can exec into the pod and check the /var/log/db2u.log for any issue.

If the mas_instance_id and mas_config_dir are provided then the role will generate the JdbcCfg yaml that can be used to configure MAS to connect to this database. It does not apply the yaml to the cluster but does provide you with the yaml files to apply if needed.

When upgrading db2, specify the existing namespace where the db2uCluster instances exist. All the instances under that namespace will be upgraded to the db2 version specified. The version of db2 must match the channel of db2 being used for the upgrade.

Role Variables - Installation¤


Namespace where IBM Common Services is installed.


Inform the role whether to perform an install, upgrade, backup or restore of DB2 Database. This can be set to install, upgrade, backup or restore. When DB2_ACTION is set to upgrade, then all instances in the DB2_NAMESPACE will be upgraded to the DB2_VERSION.


Name of the namespace where Db2 operators and Db2 instances (DB2UCluster custom resources) will be created


The subscription channel for the DB2 Universal Operator.


Name of the database instance, note that this is the instance name.


Provide your IBM entitlement key.


Name of the database within the instance.


Version of the DB2 engine to be used while creating/upgrading the DB2 instances.


Type of the DB2 instance. Available options are db2wh and db2oltp.


Server timezone code of the DB2 instance. If you want to align the same timezone with Manage's DB2 database, you also need to must also set MAS_APP_SETTINGS_SERVER_TIMEZONE variable to the same value.


Whether 4K device support is turned on or not.


The workload profile of the db2 instance, possible values are PUREDATA_OLAP or ANALYTICS.


The way database tables will be organized. It can be set to either ROW or COLUMN.


Define the username of db2 in the local LDAP registry. If this is defined, the LDAP user will be the user identity passed into the MAS JDBC configuration.


Define the password of above db2 user in the local LDAP registry. Must define when db2_ldap_username is used.


Determines if the role should rotate the LDAP password for current LDAP user configured within Db2 for MAS. When using this capability, LDAP user password will auto generated by this role and configured with MAS.

Role Variables - Storage¤

We recommend reviewing the Db2 documentation about the certified storage options for Db2 on Red Hat OpenShift. Please ensure your storage class meets the specified deployment requirements for Db2.


Storage class used for metadata. This must support ReadWriteMany(RWX) access mode.


Size of the metadata persistent volume, in gigabytes


The access mode for the storage.


Storage class used for user data. This must support ReadWriteMany(RWX) access mode.


Size of data persistent volume.


The access mode for the storage.


Storage class used for backup. This must support ReadWriteMany(RWX) access mode.


Size of backup persistent volume.


The access mode for the storage.


Storage class used for transaction logs. This must support ReadWriteMany(RWX) access mode.


Size of transaction logs persistent volume.


The access mode for the storage.


Storage class used for temporary data. This must support ReadWriteMany(RWX) access mode.


Size of temporary persistent volume.


The access mode for the storage. This must support ReadWriteOnce(RWO) access mode.

Role Variables - Resource Requests¤

These variables allow you to customize the resources available to the Db2 pod in your cluster. In most circumstances you will want to set these properties because it's impossible for us to provide a default value that will be appropriate for all users. We have set defaults that are suitable for deploying Db2 onto a dedicated worker node with 4cpu and 16gb memory.


Note that you must take into account the system overhead on any given node when setting these parameters, if you set the requests equal to the number of CPU or amount of memory on your node then the scheduler will not be able to schedule the Db2 pod because not 100% of the worker nodes' resource will be available to pod on that node, even if there's only a single pod on it.

Db2 is sensitive to both CPU and memory issues, particularly memory, we recommend setting requests and limits to the same values, ensuring the scheduler always reserves the resources that Db2 expects to be available to it.


Define the Kubernetes CPU request for the Db2 pod.


Define the Kubernetes CPU limit for the Db2 pod.


Define the Kubernetes memory request for the Db2 pod.


Define the Kubernetes memory limit for the Db2 pod.

Role Variables - Node Label Affinity¤

Specify both db2_affinity_key and db2_affinity_value to configure requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution affinity with appropriately labelled nodes.


Specify the key of a node label to declare affinity with.


Specify the value of a node label to declare affinity with.

Role Variables - Node Taint Toleration¤

Specify db2_tolerate_key, db2_tolerate_value, and db2_tolerate_effect to configure a toleration policy to allow the db2 instance to be scheduled on nodes with the specified taint.


Specify the key of the taint that is to be tolerated.


Specify the value of the taint that is to be tolerated.


Specify the type of taint effect that will be tolerated (NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, or NoExecute).

Role Variables - DB2UCluster Database Configuration Settings¤

The following variables will overwrite DB2UCluster default properties for the DB2 configuration sections:


Overwrites the db2ucluster database configuration settings under spec.environment.database.dbConfig section. - Optional - Environment Variable: DB2_DATABASE_DB_CONFIG - Default: None


Overwrites the db2ucluster instance database configuration settings under spec.environment.instance.dbmConfig section.


Do not set instance_memory. The Db2 engine does not know Db2 is running inside a container, setting dbmConfig.INSTANCE_MEMORY: automatic will cause it to read the cgroups of the node and potentially go beyond the pod memory limit. Db2U has logic built in to use a normalized percentage that takes into account the memory limit and free memory of the node.


Overwrites the db2ucluster instance database configuration settings under spec.environment.instance.registry section. You can define parameters to be included in this section using semicolon separated values.

Role Variables - MPP System¤


Do not use these variables if you intend to use the Db2 instance with IBM Maximo Application Suite; no MAS application supports Db2 MPP


The number of logical nodes (i.e. database partitions to create). Note: ensure that the application using this Db2 can support Db2 MPP (which is created when DB2_MLN_COUNT is greater than 1).


The number of Db2 pods to create in the instance. Note that db2_num_pods must be less than or equal to db2_mln_count. A single db2u pod can contain multiple logical nodes. So be sure to avoid specifying a large number for db2_mln_count while specifying a small number for db2_num_pods. If in doubt, make db2_mln_count = db2_num_pods. For more information refer to the Db2 documentation.

Role Variables - MAS Configuration¤


Providing this and mas_config_dir will instruct the role to generate a JdbcCfg template that can be used to configure MAS to connect to this database.


Providing this and mas_instance_id will instruct the role to generate a JdbcCfg template that can be used to configure MAS to connect to this database.


Supported values are system, ws, app, or wsapp, this is only used when both mas_config_dir and mas_instance_id are set.


This is only used when both mas_config_dir and mas_instance_id are set, and mas_config_scope is set to either ws or wsapp


This is only used when both mas_config_dir and mas_instance_id are set, and mas_config_scope is set to either app or wsapp

Role Variables - Backup and Restore¤


Set true or false to indicate the role whether to confirm the currently connected cluster before running the backup or restore job.


Set the transfer files timeout in seconds.


Set the time zone for creating scheduled backup job. If not set a value for this variable, this role will use UTC time zone when creating a CronJob for running scheduled backup job.


Set local path to save the backup files.


Set full or incr to indicate the role to create a full backup or incremental backup.


Set the full backup version to use in the incremental backup, this will be in the format of a YYYMMDDHHMMSS timestamp (e.g. 20240621021316). This variable is only valid when MASBR_BACKUP_TYPE=incr. If not set a value for this variable, this role will try to find the latest full backup version from the specified storage location.


Set Cron expression to create a scheduled backup. If not set a value for this varialbe, this role will create an on-demand backup.


Set the backup version to use in the restore, this will be in the format of a YYYMMDDHHMMSS timestamp (e.g. 20240621021316)

Example Playbook¤

Install Db2¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    ibm_entitlement_key: xxxxx

    # Configuration for the Db2 cluster
    db2_instance_name: db2u-db01

    db2_meta_storage_class: "ibmc-file-gold"
    db2_data_storage_class: "ibmc-block-gold"
    db2_backup_storage_class: "ibmc-file-gold"
    db2_logs_storage_class: "ibmc-block-gold"
    db2_temp_storage_class: "ibmc-block-gold"

    # Create the MAS JdbcCfg & Secret resource definitions
    mas_instance_id: inst1
    mas_config_dir: /home/david/masconfig
    - ibm.mas_devops.db2

Backup Db2¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    db2_action: backup
    db2_instance_name: db2u-db01
    masbr_storage_local_folder: /tmp/masbr
    - ibm.mas_devops.db2

Restore Db2¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    db2_action: restore
    db2_instance_name: db2u-db01
    masbr_restore_from_version: 20240621021316
    masbr_storage_local_folder: /tmp/masbr
    - ibm.mas_devops.db2

