
This role iterates through the subdirectories in $MAS_CONFIG_DIR/certs which are named as core or name of the apps like monitor, manage, iot and so on. It looks for tls.crt, tls.key and ca.crt in these subdirectories. The names of the subdirectories in $MAS_CONFIG_DIR/certs are used to construct namespace to create/identify it and also creates the TLS secret with the tls/ca certs in those namespaces. So these subdirectories should be named correctly as the app names used in namespace suffixes.

Directory structure example,


TLS Secret

tls.crt, tls.key and ca.crt are mandatory files in these subdirectories. They are used to create TLS secret in each applications' namespace. The role will fail if an empty app subdirectory is present or an app subdirectory missing a mandatory file


Currently the secret names for core and each app are maintained in suite_certs/defaults/main.yml. Any changes to the existing secret name or adding new apps needs to be done here.

Role Variables


The instance ID of the Maximo Application Suite installation to verify.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default Value: None


Set this to True if you want to enable manual certificate management mode.

  • Environment Variable: MAS_MANUAL_CERT_MGMT
  • Default Value: False


Path to the mas config directory.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: MAS_CONFIG_DIR

Role Variables - CIS as DNS Provider (Optional)

Optional variables for users using IBM Cloud Internet Services to manage DNS. This role will guarantee that your CNAMES related to MAS routes are created or updated in the informed CIS instance.


Set this to cis if you manage DNS using IBM Cloud Internet. If this variable is informed with a value different than cis it results in error (except blank, as it is optional).

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: DNS_PROVIDER


Workspace Id will be used as part of CNAMES definition when using cis as dns_provider.

  • Required if dns_provider is defined and is cis
  • Environment Variable: MAS_WORKSPACE_ID


CRN Key identifying the CIS in IBM Cloud. You can find that information in the page of your CIS instance.

  • Required if dns_provider is defined and is cis
  • Environment Variable: CIS_CRN


API Key used to access the CIS in IBM CLoud.

  • Required if dns_provider is defined and is cis
  • Environment Variable: CIS_APIKEY


Subdomain will be used as part of CNAMES definition when using cis as dns_provider.

  • Required if dns_provider is defined and is cis
  • Environment Variable: CIS_SUBDOMAIN


Set this to True if you want enable proxy in your CIS CNames leveraging security rules defined for this software.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: CIS_PROXY
  • Default Value: False

The directory structure for the certificates must be like below


the subdirectory name in the $MAS_CONFIG_DIR/certs directory is used to construct the namespace where the TLS secret will be applied to. So name the directory approriately.

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_manual_cert_mgmt: True
    mas_config_dir: /Users/johnbarnes/Document/masconfig
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_certs

More Detailed View of Directory Structure

|     |
|     |
|     |---core
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt
|     |---iot
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt
|     |---monitor
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt
|     |---manage
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt
|     |---add
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt
|     |---assist
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt
|     |---optimizer
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt
|     |---visualinspection
|     |    |
|     |    |---tls.crt
|     |    |---tls.key
|     |    |---ca.crt

