Maximo Application Suite CLI Ansible CLI
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Image Mirroring¤

We recommend the use of two-phase mirroring in most cases, it is slower than direct mirroring and requires more storage capacity, but can allow you to more easily recover from network glitches and creates a clean seperation of the tasks of getting the content from the source registry and putting it into the target registry which can make debugging failures easier.

This guide assumes that you are looking to mirror content for the latest release (9.0.x) from the most recent catalog update (v9-250206-amd64), and that you are installing all MAS applications & dependencies. If you are not installing certain applications or dependencies take care to remove the appropriate --mirror-x flags to avoid mirroring unnecessary images.

By default image repositories will be prefixed using the datestamp of the Maximo Operator Catalog that you are mirroring from, this allows for simpler registry management, you can prune all images under mas-241105/* in your mirror registry once you know that you have updated all clusters to a newer version of the catalog.


For full usage information run mas mirror-images --help

Interactive Image Mirroring¤

You can start image mirroring by running the mas mirror-images command with no parameters, you will be prompted to select the mirror mode and working directory, configure the target registry, and select which content you wish to mirror.

The easiest way to do this is using the MAS CLI container image as below:

docker run -ti --rm -v $LOCAL_DIR:/mnt/registry mas mirror-images

Non-Interactive Image Mirroring¤

This guide will take you through we mirror images in our own development environment, breaking up the task into 4 distinct stages to further break down the work and make it easier to address any problems by providing clear milestones:


Set the following environment variables that will be used in each stage:

export LOCAL_DIR=xxx
export REGISTRY_HOST=xxx
export REGISTRY_PORT=xxx

If you do not have a single system with both access to the public source registries and your internal private registry then you will require a system with internet connectivity and another with access to your private network, along with a means to transfer data from one to the other (for example, a portable drive).

In this scenario, we must also transfer the CLI image to your local registry:

oc image mirror --dir $LOCAL_DIR/cli file://ibmmas/cli:13.3.0

Transfer the content of $LOCAL_DIR/cli to your system within the private network and transfer the image to your mirror registry.

oc image mirror --dir $LOCAL_DIR/cli file://ibmmas/cli:13.3.0 $REGISTRY_HOST:$REGISTRY_PORT/ibmmas/cli:13.3.0

Stage 1 - Core¤

Let's start simple and just get the MAS Core and IBM Maximo Operator Catalog mirrored to the registry, this shouldn't take long and provides an early measure of the download and upload performance to help estimate the time to complete the larger stages.

Direct To Filesystem From Filesystem From Filesystem (Restricted)

Stage 2 - Apps¤

Direct To Filesystem From Filesystem From Filesystem (Restricted)

Stage 3 - CP4D¤

Direct To Filesystem From Filesystem From Filesystem (Restricted)

Stage 4 - Other Dependencies¤

Direct To Filesystem From Filesystem From Filesystem (Restricted)

Storage Requirements¤

As of MAS 8.10 (June 2023) the total capacity requirement to mirror content from the IBM Maximo Operator Catalog is approximately 484G, the following table can be used to determine the approximate storage requirement for your mirrored content based on what content you need to mirror:

Maximo Application Suite Command Flag Size
Maximo Operator Catalog --mirror-catalog 50M
Maximo Application Suite Core --mirror-core 4G
Maximo Assist --mirror-assist 5G
Maximo IoT --mirror-iot 9G
Maximo Manage --mirror-manage 8G
Maximo Monitor --mirror-monitor 17G
Maximo Optimizer --mirror-optimizer 3G
Maximo Predict --mirror-predict 6G
Maximo Visual Inspection --mirror-visualinspection 40G
Total 92G
IBM Cloud Pak for Data Command Flag Size
IBM CP4D Platform --mirror-cp4d 2G
IBM Analytics Engine (Spark) --mirror-spark 54G
IBM Watson Machine Learning --mirror-wml 91G
IBM Watson Studio Local --mirror-wsl 85G
Total 273G
Other Dependencies Command Flag Size
Mongo Community Edition --mirror-mongo 500M
IBM Truststore Manager --mirror-tsm 1G
IBM Suite License Service --mirror-sls 1G
IBM Cloud Pak Foundation Services --mirror-cfs 21G
IBM AppConnect --mirror-appconnect 13G
IBM Db2 --mirror-db2 73G
Total 117G


The total capacity used on the filesystem in the target mirror registry itself may be lower than this due to the use of shared image layers, particularly across applications in IBM Maximo Application Suite itself.