Maximo Application Suite CLI Ansible CLI
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Image Mirroring Install Update Upgrade Uninstall EAM Migration Mirror Db2 Images Minimal RBAC update upgrade uninstall must-gather configure-airgap mirror-redhat-images setup-registry teardown-registry provision-fyre provision-roks provision-rosa configtool-oidc Overview Feb 06 2025 Jan 09 2025 Dec 05 2024 Nov 07 2024 Dependencies Topology Cluster Extensions

Mirror Red Hat Images¤


mas mirror-redhat-images [options]

Mirror Mode¤

Registry Details¤

Red Hat Image Pull Secret (Required):¤

Content Selection (Optional):¤

Platform Version Range (Optional):¤

Other Options¤

Storage Requirements¤

The selected content from the three required OpenShift operator catalogs requires approximately 80Gb. The storage requirements for the OpenShift platform itself will vary depending on how many versions of the release you intent to mirror.

Video Walkthrough¤


Interactive Image Mirroring¤

docker run -ti --rm -v /mnt/storage:/mnt/local --pull always mas mirror-redhat-images

Two-Phase Image Mirroring¤

Two-Phase image mirroring is required when you do not have a single system with both access to the public registries containing the source container images and your internal private registry. In this case you will require a system with internet connectivity and another with access to your private network, along with a means to transfer data from one to the other (for example, a portable drive).


The examples here use a specific version of the container image (6.0.0). You should always use the latest available container image, but because we are working in a disconnected environment we need to be specific about the version we are using. Replace 6.0.0 with the appropriate version.

Phase 1: Mirror to Filesystem¤

First, download the latest version of the container image and start up a terminal session inside the container image, we are going to mount a local directory into the running container to persist the mirror filesystem.


Mirroring images for Core, Manage and all dependencies will require approximately 62Gb available capacity.

docker pull
docker run -ti --rm -v /mnt/storage:/mnt/workspace mas mirror-redhat-images \
  --mode to-filesystem \
  --dir /mnt/workspace \
  --pull-secret /mnt/local/pull-secret.json
  --mirror-platform \
  --mirror-operators \
  --release 4.10 \

You must now transfer the content of /mnt/storage on your local filesystem to a system inside your disconnected network on which we will perform phase 2 of this operator. However, before we can do that we also need to mirror the CLI image to your registry so that it's available on the disconnected host system.

oc image mirror --dir /mnt/workspace file://ibmmas/cli:6.0.0

Phase 2: Mirror from Filesystem¤

Transfer the content of /mnt/storage to your system in the disconnected network. Now we are going to put the CLI image in your registry:

docker login -u admin -p password
oc image mirror --dir /mnt/storage file://ibmmas/cli:6.0.0

Now we are ready to mirror the images to your registry using the CLI image in the same way we mirrored the images to the local disk in the first place:

docker pull
docker run -ti --rm -v /mnt/storage:/mnt/workspace mas mirror-redhat-images \
  --mode from-filesystem \
  --dir /mnt/workspace \
  -H -P 32500 \
  -u admin -p password \

Direct Image Mirroring¤

The following example will mirror all images required for Maximo Application Suite Core and the Maximo Manage and IoT applications directly to your target registry, without prompting for confirmation.

docker run -ti --rm -v /mnt/storage:/mnt/workspace --pull always mas mirror-redhat-images \
  --mode direct \
  --dir /mnt/workspace \
  -H -P 32500 \
  -u admin -p password \
  --mirror-platform \
  --mirror-operators \
  --ocp-release 4.15 \