IBM Maximo Application Suite CLI Utility

There are various dependencies to meet on your own computer to use the CLI, depending on which functions you are using:

  • Bash (v4)
  • OpenShift client
  • IBMCloud client with container plugin enabled
  • Ansible
  • Python
  • Network access to the OpenShift cluster


The best way to use the CLI is to not install it at all and use the container image we publish:

docker run -ti --rm -v ~:/mnt/home --pull always


Running docker pull before docker run will ensure you are using the latest release of the container image.

If you want to stick with a specific release of the image you can attach a specific version tag to the docker run command: docker run -ti --rm -v ~:/mnt/home

If you prefer to install the client it can be obtained from the GitHub releases page.

tar -xvf ibm-mas-cli-7.0.0.tgz
./mas mirror-images