MAS Manage Oil and Gas/HSE

Best Practice for Performance

  1. Archive or clean historical records of "Permit to Work", "Isolation Certificate", "Work Order" and "Operator Log/LogEntry" will help a lot on performance.

  2. Adding below indexes which we identified in internal benchmark test will help a lot on performance.
    Please do remember to update table statistics after adding any new index, since new index will only be effective after updating table statistics.

Indexes Identified in Internal Benchmark Test

Table Name Columns Comments
plusgpermitwork "ptwclass" ASC,"siteid" ASC,"orgid" ASC,"permitworknum" ASC
plusgpermitwork "ptwclass" ASC,"status" ASC,"plusgpertypeid" ASC,"permitworknum" ASC
plusgpermitwork "ptwclass" ASC
plusgpermitwork "status" ASC,"ptwclass" ASC,"description" ASC
plusgpertype "pertypenum" ASC,"plusgpertypeid" ASC
workorder "description" ASC Add it if search on description field, create as text index is better
workorder "status" ASC,"historyflag" ASC,"istask" ASC,"wonum" ASC Add it if search on status field
plusgoperaction "recordid" ASC,"class" ASC
plusgshftlogentry "recordkey" ASC,"orgid" ASC,"siteid" ASC,"createdate" ASC
plusgshiftlog "shiftnum" ASC,"isshiftlog" ASC,"startdate" ASC
plusgrelatedrec "relatedreckey" ASC,"relatedrecclass" ASC,"recordkey" ASC
plusgrelatedrec "recordkey" ASC,"class" ASC,"relatedrecclass" ASC
plusgincperson "ticketid" ASC
maxsession "issystem" ASC, "userid" ASC, "clienthost" ASC
ticket "globalticketid" ASC,"globalticketclass" ASC
report "reportname" ASC,"appname" ASC,"reportnum" ASC,"runtype" ASC,"userid" ASC
reportrunqueue "running" ASC,"priority" ASC,"submittime" DESC