Instance Type

There are many instance types available in AWS. Based on the benchmark, recommend M5, M6 instances (e.g.M5.4xlarge) as master or worker nodes and P3, P4 as GPU nodes.


  • Depending on the regions, some instances may not be available. Use AWS Pricing Calculator to check the instance availability and cost.
  • g4dn can be used as GPU node for test/dev env, but not recommended for production env.
  • If the application requires a good network performance, check Amazon EC2 instance network bandwidth site for more details. For production env, an instance with 10GB ethernet is recommended.

Classic Load Balancer Idle Timeout

Each OCP cluster creates 1 class load balancer and 2 network load balancers in AWS. AWS classic load balancer has a default idle time 60 seconds. In some cases, this value is not enough for a long time transaction (e.g. asset health check notebook). Consider to adjust this value to what the application needs (e.g. 300 seconds).

Also, monitoring classic load-balance performance is strongly recommend, particularly with IoT related app. (Note: Surge Queue Length's defaults to a hardcoded limit of 1024. When queue is fully, the tcp handshake will fail)

Amazon DocumentDB

DocumentDB is a fully managed MongoDB compatibility database. It can be used by both IBM Suite License Service (SLS) and MAS Core. However, there are functional differences between DocumentDB and MongoDB. Check this link for more details.

Note: When using DocumentDB, it requires to set RetryWrite=false in SLS and Suite CRs.

Amazon MSK

MAS supports MSK which is a fully managed apache Kafka service.


  • monitor MSK performance via CloudWatch is strongly recommended. Key metrics include Disk usage by broker, CPU (User) usage by broker, Active Controller Count, Network RX packets by broker, Network TX packets by broker.
  • define an appropriate config for Kafka, MSK and topics. e.g., retention.bytes, partitions and replics to support the workload.

AWS Storage

EBS storages like gp2, gp3 are supported by OCP in AWS. Note: EBS storage is ReadWriteOnce. The volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node. io1 and io2 are SSD-based EBS that provides the higher performance. Check Amazon EBS volume types for extra info like throughput, tuning and cost.

Below is a sample yaml to create io1 storageclass with 100 iopsPerGB.

kind: StorageClass
  name: io1
  encrypted: 'true'
  iopsPerGB: '100'
  type: io1
reclaimPolicy: Delete
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: Immediate

EFS Storage can be used as ReadWriteMany storageclass. EFS has different metered throughput modes.

  • Bursting Throughput mode is the default. It is inexpensive, but does NOT perform well if all burst credits are used. Monitor BurstCreditBalance metric in CloudWatch.
  • Provisioned Throughput mode is relatively expensive. It can drive up to 3 GiBps for read operations and 1 GiBps for write operations per file system
  • More info can be found at Amazon EFS performance

Self-managed OCP vs AWS ROSA

A self-managed OCP Cluster can be created by the installer cli tool that supports both IPI and UPI mode. It requires self maintenance and upgrades. Alternatively, ROSA is a managed Red Hat OpenShift Service. Each ROSA cluster comes with a fully managed control plane and compute nodes. Installation, management, maintenance, and upgrades are performed by Red Hat site reliability engineers (SRE) with joint Red Hat and Amazon support.