Deployment Timings

Each ArgoCD Application will take a number of minutes to complete syncing and to show as healthy, before moving onto the next application in the wave. This can vary for each app from a few minutes to mulitple hours. Depending on what configuration is choosen then each environment might not have the application present i.e. you might not have CP4D installed.

Below is a table to show the expected elapsed time for the argocd application to finish syncing. Times are approximate and other factors can vary these times such as performance of the cluster or external dependencies.

Application Approximate Duration
operator-catalog 3 minutes
redhat-cert-manager 2 minutes
dro 5 minutes
cis-compliance 3 minutes
ibm-sls 10 minutes
ibm-suite 10 minutes
ibm-cp4d-operators 2 minutes
ibm-spss 80 minutes
ibm-wml 25 minutes
ibm-wsl 45 minutes
ibm-spark 15 minutes
ibm-db2u-database 12 minutes
ibm-assist 20 minutes
ibm-assist-cfg 2 minutes
ibm-iot 60 minutes
ibm-iot-cfg 2 minutes
ibm-monitor 12 minutes
ibm-monitor-cfg 30 minutes
ibm-optimizer 5 minutes
ibm-optimizer-cfg 12 minutes
ibm-visualinspection 20 minutes
ibm-visualinspection-cfg 2 minutes
ibm-manage 8 minutes
ibm-manage-cfg 240 minutes
ibm-predict 2 minutes
ibm-predict-cfg 15 minutes