Maximo Application Suite CLI Ansible CLI
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Image Mirroring Install Update Upgrade Uninstall EAM Migration Mirror Db2 Images Minimal RBAC update upgrade uninstall must-gather configure-airgap mirror-redhat-images setup-registry teardown-registry provision-fyre provision-roks provision-rosa configtool-oidc Overview Feb 06 2025 Jan 09 2025 Dec 05 2024 Nov 07 2024 Dependencies Topology Cluster Extensions


Upgrade Overview¤

Upgrade is the act of switching a MAS installation to a new subscription channel; it is distinct from an update, which is when new versions are delivered on existing subscription channels. New features are always delivered via new subscription channels, update within a channel will only deliver updates to existing functionality (including security updates) and bug fixes.

  1. Upgrade
  2. Disconnected Upgrade Preparation
  3. Update MAS

When you choose to upgrade to pick up a feature release, the upgrade is targeted at a specific MAS instance in the cluster. Upgrades must work within an n-1 range, ie. we support MAS 8.10 and 8.9 on a cluster, or 8.9 and 8.8, but not 8.8 and 8.10.

The process to undo an upgrade varies depending on what version and which applications were being upgraded, e.g. if there are database changes that need to be reversed it's more involved than if it's just a case of stateless runtime to be reverted to an older version.


You can only upgrade to a version of MAS already supported by the ibm-maximo-operator-catalog CatalogSource currently installed in the cluster.

1 Disconnected Upgrade Preparation¤

Before you start the upgrade, you must mirror the images for the new catalog that you wish to update to. Mirroring the images is a simple but time consuming process. Three modes are available for the mirror process:

docker run -ti --rm --pull always mas mirror-images

You will be prompted to set the target registry for the image mirroring and to select the version of IBM Maximo Operator Catalog to mirror and the subset of content that you wish to mirror. You can choose to mirror everything from the catalog, or control exactly what is mirrored to your private registry to reduce the time and bandwidth used to mirror the images, as well reducing the storage requirements of the registry.

This command can also be ran non-interactive, for full details refer to the image mirroring guide.

mas mirror-images -m direct -d /mnt/local-mirror \
  -c v9-250206-amd64 -C 9.0.x \
  --mirror-catalog --mirror-core --mirror-iot --mirror-manage \
  --mirror-cfs --mirror-sls --mirror-tsm --mirror-mongo --mirror-db2 \
  --ibm-entitlement $IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY --redhat-username $REDHAT_USERNAME --redhat-password $REDHAT_PASSWORD \


Make sure to select the release of MAS you want to upgrade to, not the release of MAS you are currently on. For example if you are upgrading from MAS 8.9 to MAS 8.10 you should set -C 8.10.x.

2 Upgrade Maximo Application Suite¤

Run mas upgrade and choose the MAS instance to upgrade. The upgrade will automatically detect the installed release, and perform an upgrade to the next available release.

docker run -ti --rm --pull always mas upgrade

The command can also be ran non-interactive.

mas upgrade -i inst1 --no-confirm