Migration from EAM 7 to MAS 9

This example demonstrates how to migrate from EAM 7 to Maximo Manage v9 running on Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud (ROKS).

  • For this demo we are using an existing database instance that is configured without TLS enabled (so we do not need to worry about providing the certificates in the configuration)
  • Normally you would take a backup of the database and use that, but for the purpose of this example we are going to take over the database currently in use, if you wish to follow this example using a restored backup of your database simply skip step 2.


1 An IBMCloud API Key

  • Login in your IBM Cloud account
  • Go to Manage menu and select Access (IAM)
  • Go to API keys menu, click Create an IBM Cloud API key
  • Enter a name and description for your API Key and click Create

2 A MAS License File

Access IBM License Key Center, on the Get Keys menu select IBM AppPoint Suites. Select IBM MAXIMO APPLICATION SUITE AppPOINT LIC and on the next page fill in the information as below:

Field Content
Number of Keys How many AppPoints to assign to the license file
Host ID Type Set to Ethernet Address
Host ID Enter any 12 digit hexadecimal string
Hostname Set to the hostname of your OCP instance, but this can be any value really
Port Set to 27000

Create a new folder mas9demo in your home directory and save this file there as ~/mas9demo/entitlement.lic

3 An IBM Entitlement Key

Access IBM Container Software Library using your IBMId to obtain your entitlement key.

Step 1 - Provision OpenShift

We are going to provision the cluster using Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud via the MAS CLI container image. Ensure that you set the IBMCLOUD_APIKEY environment variable to the key you obtained from the IBM Container Software Library.


docker run -e IBMCLOUD_APIKEY -ti --rm -v ~:/mnt/home --pull always quay.io/ibmmas/cli:10.9.2 \
  mas provision-roks -r mas-development -c mas9demo -v 4.14_openshift \
  --worker-count 3 --worker-flavor b3c.8x32 --worker-zone lon02 \

This will provision an OpenShift cluster with three 8x32 worker nodes. It will take approximately 1 hour to provision the cluster.


At time of writing the cost of this three node OpenShift cluster on IBMCloud is $1.61 per hour (which works out as just under $1'200 per month). Billing is hourly and to complete this example we will only need the cluster for a few hours.

Step 2 - Shutdown EAM

We must stop EAM because we are going to take over the same database that is currently using; log into the WebSphere administrative console and stop the servers.

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You can skip this step if you took a backup of your database and instead are using that.

Step 3 - Prepare the JDBCCfg

IBM Maximo Application Suite (MAS) configuration is held in Kubernetes resources, when we install MAS we will tell the installer to apply this configuration as part of the installation.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: "jdbc-demo-credentials"
  namespace: "mas-dev-core"
  username: "{DB_USERNAME}"
  password: "{DB_PASSWORD}"
apiVersion: config.mas.ibm.com/v1
kind: JdbcCfg
  name: "dev-jdbc-wsapp-demo-manage"
  namespace: "mas-dev-core"
    "mas.ibm.com/configScope": "workspace-application"
    "mas.ibm.com/instanceId": "dev"
    "mas.ibm.com/workspaceId": "demo"
    "mas.ibm.com/applicationId": "manage"
  displayName: "dev-jdbc-manage"
    url: "{JDBC_URL}"
    sslEnabled: false
      secretName: "jdbc-demo-credentials"

Replace {JDBC_URL}, {DB_USERNAME}, and {DB_PASSWORD} with the actual values for your database, for example:

  • JDBC_URL = jdbc:db2://;
  • DB_USERNAME = maximo
  • DB_PASSWORD = maximo

Save this file into the same directory where we saved the MAS entitlement file, as ~/mas9demo/mas9demo-jdbc.yaml

Validate that the JDBC URL and username/password are correct by running the command SELECT VARNAME, VARVALUE FROM MAXIMO.MAXVARS WHERE VARNAME='MAXUPG';, which will confirm the database is currently running at version 7.

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Step 4 - Install MAS

Ensure the following environment variables are all set:

  • IBMCLOUD_APIKEY (see prerequisites)
  • SUPERUSER_PASSWORD (choose the password for the MAS superuser account)
  • IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY (see prerequisites)

We will install MAS in non-production mode, with an instance ID of dev and a workspace ID of demo using the latest (at time of writing) catalog update.


When we launch the CLI container we are mounting your home directory into the container image, this is how the installer will access the entitlement.lic and mas9demo-jdbc.yaml files that you created earlier.


docker run -e IBMCLOUD_APIKEY -ti --rm -v ~:/mnt/home --pull always quay.io/ibmmas/cli:10.9.2 bash -c "
  CLUSTER_TYPE=roks CLUSTER_NAME=mas9demo ROLE_NAME=ocp_login ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role &&
  mas install \
  --non-prod \
  --mas-instance-id dev \
  --mas-workspace-id demo \
  --mas-workspace-name 'EAM Migration Demo' \
  --mas-catalog-version v9-240827-amd64 \
  --mas-channel 9.0.x \
  --manage-channel 9.0.x \
  --manage-jdbc workspace-application \
  --manage-components base=latest \
  --additional-configs /mnt/home/mas9demo \
  --license-file /mnt/home/mas9demo/entitlement.lic \
  --uds-email parkerda@uk.ibm.com \
  --uds-firstname David \
  --uds-lastname Parker \
  --storage-class-rwo ibmc-block-gold \
  --storage-class-rwx ibmc-file-gold-gid \
  --storage-pipeline ibmc-file-gold-gid \
  --storage-accessmode ReadWriteMany \
  --superuser-username superuser \
  --superuser-password '$SUPERUSER_PASSWORD' \
  --ibm-entitlement-key '$IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY' \
  --accept-license \

The install itself is performed on the cluster, the CLI merely prepares the installation pipeline, you will be presented with a URL to view the install pipeline in the OpenShift Console.


You can either monitor the install in the OpenShift Console or go get lunch, the install will take approximately 2-3 hours depending on network conditions.

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Once the installation has completed you will be able to log into Maximo Application Suite & Maximo Manage using any user from the original EAM, for convenience the installer adds a link to the Maximo Application Suite Administrator Dashboard to the OpenShift Console's Application Menu, and we can log into MAS using the superuser username and password supplied during install:

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In this demo we have not configured integration to an SMTP server, as a result we must manually set a new password for the migrated users (including maxadmin) before they can be used.

If e-mail services are enabled during the MAS install then a new password would be generated automatically for each migrated user and a welcome e-mail containing their new Maximo Application Suite password would be sent.