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Installs IBM User Data Services as part of IBM Foundational Services in the ibm-common-services namespace. If mas_instance_id and the others associated parameters are provided then the role will also generate a configuration file that can be directly applied to IBM Maximo Application Suite.

Role Variables - Installation¤


Inform the role whether to perform an install or uninstall of IBM User Data Services or the Slim User Data Services. Supported values are install, uninstall, install-suds or uninstall-suds


Required only for ROSA cluster. This variable is required to extract the UDS certificates. For other clusters this variable is not used.


Required. Storage class where UDS will be installed. On IBM Cloud RedHat Openshift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) ibmc-block-bronze is the recommended value. The storage class must support ReadWriteOnce(RWO) access mode.


Defines the frequency that BAS will collect event data. The value can be set following a cron tab format.

cluster ingres tls secret name¤

Specify the name of the cluster's ingres tls secret which contains the default router certificate.

Role Variables - BASCfg Generation¤


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that the BasCfg configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a BasCfg template.


Local directory to save the generated BasCfg resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance to connect to BAS instance, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a BasCfg template.


Override the built-in segment key used by MAS when communicating with User Data Services. This variable is only used for the generation of the BASCfg template, and in 99% of use cases you will not need to set this.¤

Sets the Contact e-mail address used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.


Sets the Contact first name used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.


Sets the Contact last name used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.


Sets the UDS endpoint url used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.


Sets the UDS TLS CA or Server Certificate used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.


The path on the local system to a file containing the TLS CA certificate of the AnalyticsProxy to be used when the Maximo Application Suite is registered with UDS. This variable is only used if uds_tls_crt has not been set.


Sets the UDS api key used by the MAS instance's UDS configuration.


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.


Provide the directory where supported pod templates configuration files are defined. This role will look for a configuration file named ibm-mas-bascfg.yml in the named directory. The content of the configuration file should be the yaml block that you wish to be inserted into the BasCfg spec under a top level podTemplates element, e.g. podTemplates: {object}.

For examples refer to the BestEfforts reference configuration in the MAS CLI, for full documentation of the supported options refer to the Customizing Pod Templates in the product documentation.


Optional. When set to True, includes the complete certificates chain in the generated MAS configuration, when a trusted certificate authority is found in your cluster's ingress.

Example Playbook¤

Install in-cluster and generate MAS configuration¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    uds_storage_class: ibmc-block-bronze

    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig

      email: ''
      first_name: 'john'
      last_name: 'winter'
  - ibm.mas_devops.uds

Generate MAS configuration for existing installation¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    mas_instance_id: masinst1
    mas_config_dir: ~/masconfig

    uds_endpoint_url: "https://xxx"
    uds_api_key: "xxx"
    uds_tls_crt_local_file_path: "/path/to/uds.crt"

      email: ''
      first_name: 'john'
      last_name: 'winter'
  - ibm.mas_devops.uds

