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This role shouldn't need to exist, it should be part of the Manage operator, but is not so we have to do it as a seperate step in the install flow for now. The role will perform some initial setup on the Db2 instance that is needed to prepare it for use with the Manage application and supports both CP4D version 3.5 and 4.0.

The role will copy a bash script ( into the Db2 pod and execute it inside the container, this script will perform a number of configuration changes to the database as well as configuring the tablespaces for Maximo Manage because the operator is not yet able to do this itself.

Role Variables¤


The name of the db2 instance to execute the setup in.


The namespace where the Db2 instance is running.


The username that will be used to connect to the database specified by db2_dbname.


The name of the database in the instance to connect to when executing the setup script.


The name of the Manage schema where the hack should be targeted in.


The size of the tablespace data in the database.


The size of the tablespace indexes in the database.


Version of the enhanced DB2 parameters, currently support 1.0.0


Flag to indicate restart the DB2 instance or not, the enhanced DB2 parameters required restart DB2 instance, this will cause downtime, should execute during customer maintenance window or newly created DB2 instance if set to True

Example Playbook¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    db2_instancename: mydb2

    db2_namespace: db2u
    db2_config_version: "1.0.0"

    # It will cause downtime if set to true, please be careful.
    enforce_db2_config: true
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_db2_setup_for_manage

