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Home Ansible Automation Platform OCP Install Cloud Pak For Data Install Core Add AIBroker Add IoT Add Manage Add Monitor Add Optimizer Add Predict Add Visual Inspection Update Upgrade Uninstall Core Backup & Restore ocp_cluster_monitoring ocp_config ocp_deprovision ocp_efs ocp_github_oauth ocp_login ocp_node_config ocp_provision ocp_roks_upgrade_registry_storage ocp_upgrade ocp_verify appconnect aws_bucket_access_point aws_documentdb_user aws_policy aws_route53 aws_user_creation aws_vpc cert_manager cis common-services configure_manage_eventstreams cos cos_bucket cp4d_admin_pwd_update cp4d cp4d_service db2 dro eck grafana ibm_catalogs kafka nvidia_gpu mongodb ocs sls turbonomic uds mirror_case_prepare mirror_extras_prepare mirror_images mirror_ocp ocp_idms ocp_simulate_disconnected_network registry suite_app_config suite_app_install suite_app_uninstall suite_app_upgrade suite_app_rollback suite_app_backup_restore suite_certs suite_config suite_db2_setup_for_manage suite_dns suite_install suite_manage_attachments_config suite_manage_birt_report_config suite_manage_bim_config suite_manage_customer_files_config suite_manage_imagestitching_config suite_manage_import_certs_config suite_manage_load_dbc_scripts suite_manage_logging_config suite_manage_pvc_config suite_uninstall suite_upgrade suite_rollback suite_verify suite_backup_restore ansible_version_check entitlement_key_rotation gencfg_jdbc gencfg_watsonstudio gencfg_workspace gencfg_mongo


This role is used to configure specific components of the application workspace after the application has been installed in the Maximo Application Suite.

Role Variables - General¤


Defines the instance id that was used for the MAS installation


Defines the application that is will be configured, valid settings are: assist, hputilities, iot, manage, monitor, optimizer, predict, and visualinspection.


MAS application workspace to use to configure app components


List of comma separated key=value pairs for setting custom labels on instance specific resources.

Role Variables - Workspace Configuration¤


The application workspace deployment spec used to configure various aspects of the application workspace configuration. Note that use of this will override anything set in mas_appws_components


Set the binding scope for the application workspace's JDBC binding (system, application, workspace, or workspace-application)


Defines the app components and versions to configure in the application workspace. Takes the form of key=value pairs seperated by a comma i.e. To install health within Manage set base=latest,health=latest


This role will look for a configuration files named:

The content of the configuration file should be the yaml block that you wish to be inserted into the ManageWorkspace CR. ibm-mas-manage-manageworkspace.yml will be inserted into the ManageWorkspace CR spec -> podTemplates whereas the component ones e.g, ibm-mas-manage-imagestitching.yml will be under spec -> components -> civil -> podTemplates. The ibm-mas-manage-ws operator will then pass this on to the corresponding component CR when available.

This is an example of one of the components (civil) - refer to the BestEfforts reference configuration in the MAS CLI. For full documentation of the supported options refer to the Customizing Pod Templates in the product documentation.

Role Variables - Predict Configuration¤


Controls the workload size of predict containers. Avaliable options are developer, small, medium and small

| Deployment_size        | Replica |
| ---------------------- | :--: |
| developer              |  1 |
| small                  |  2 |
| medium                 |  3 |

Role Variables - Watson Studio Local¤

These variables are only used when using this role to configure Predict, or Health & Predict Utilities.


The ID of the analytics project created in Watson Studio and used to configure hputilities application.


Specifies the name of the file in mas_config_dir where the id of the analytics project is saved. Must be used in conjunction with mas_config_dir as an alternative to cpd_wsl_project_id.


Local directory where generated resource definitions are saved into. Used in conjunction with cpd_wsl_project_name to retrieve the ID of a Watson Studio project previously created by the cp4d_service role.

Role Variables - Watson Machine Learning¤

These variables are only used when using this role to configure Predict.


The version of Cloud Pak for Data installed in the cluster, which is used to infer the version of Watson Machine Learning that must be passed into the Predict workspace configuration.


Identifier of wml instance to be configured in Predict.


URL to access WML service (same as Cloud Pak for Data URL).

Role Variables - Manage Workspace¤

Manage - Health Integration variables¤


Boolean value indicating if Watson Studio must be bound to Manage. It is expected a system level WatsonStudioCfg applied in the cluster.


Set as system to indicate Watson Studio must be installed and bound to Health


Flag indicating if Asset Investment Optimization (AIO) resource must be loaded or not. It can be loaded only when Optimizer application is installed.

Manage - DB2 settings variables¤


Name of the schema where Manage database lives in. Code also supports deprecated mas_app_settings_db2_schema variable name.


Flag indicating if manage demodata should be loaded or not.


Optional. Flag indicating if VARGRAPHIC (if true) or VARCHAR (if false) is used. Details:


Name of the Manage database tablespace


Name of the Manage database indexspace

Manage - Persistent Volumes variables¤


Flag indicating if persistent volumes should be configured by default during Manage Workspace activation. There are two defaulted File Storage Persistent Volumes Claim resources that will be created out of the box for Manage if this flag is set to true:

JMS queues¤

The following properties can be defined to customize the persistent volumes for the JMS queues setup for Manage.


Provide the persistent volume storage class to be used for JMS queue configuration. Both ReadWriteOnce (if using a block storage class) or ReadWriteMany (if using file storage class) access modes are supported. Note: JMS configuration will only be done if mas_app_settings_server_bundles_size property is set to jms.


Provide the persistent volume claim name to be used for JMS queue configuration. Note: JMS configuration will only be done if mas_app_settings_server_bundles_size property is set to jms.


Provide the persistent volume claim size to be used for JMS queue configuration. Note: JMS configuration will only be done if mas_app_settings_server_bundles_size property is set to jms.


Provide the persistent volume storage mount path to be used for JMS queue configuration. Note: JMS configuration will only be done if mas_app_settings_server_bundles_size property is set to jms.


Provide the persistent volume storage access-mode to be used for JMS queue configuration. Typically you would either choose between ReadWriteOnce (if using a block storage class) or ReadWriteMany (if using file storage class).


Set this to true if you want to have JMS continuous queues configured


The following properties can be defined to customize the persistent volumes for the Doclinks/Attachments setup for Manage.

Provide the persistent volume storage class to be used for doclinks/attachments configuration. Both ReadWriteOnce (if using a block storage class) or ReadWriteMany (if using file storage class) are supported.

Provide the persistent volume claim name to be used for doclinks/attachments configuration.

Provide the persistent volume claim size to be used for doclinks/attachments configuration.

Provide the persistent volume storage mount path to be used for doclinks/attachments configuration.

Provide the persistent volume storage access-mode to be used for doclinks/attachments configuration. Typically you would either choose between ReadWriteOnce (if using a block storage class) or ReadWriteMany (if using file storage class).

BIM (Building Information Models)¤

The following properties can be defined to customize the persistent volumes for the Building Information Models setup for Manage.


Provide the persistent volume storage class to be used for Building Information Models configuration. Both ReadWriteOnce (if using a block storage class) or ReadWriteMany (if using file storage class) are supported. - Optional - Environment Variable: MAS_APP_SETTINGS_BIM_PVC_STORAGE_CLASS - Default: None - If not set, a default storage class will be auto defined accordingly to your cluster's available storage classes.


Provide the persistent volume claim name to be used for Building Information Models configuration.


Provide the persistent volume claim size to be used for Building Information Models configuration.


Provide the persistent volume storage mount path to be used for Building Information Models configuration.


Provide the persistent volume storage access-mode to be used for Building Information Models configuration. Typically you would either choose between ReadWriteOnce (if using a block storage class) or ReadWriteMany (if using file storage class).

Manage - Supported languages variables¤


Provide the base language for Manage application. For a full list of supported languages for Manage application and its corresponding language codes, please refer to Language Support documentation.


Provide a list of additional secondary languages for Manage application.

Note: The more languages you add, the longer Manage will take to install and activate.

Export the MAS_APP_SETTINGS_SECONDARY_LANGS variable with the language codes as comma-separated values. For a full list of supported languages for Manage application and its corresponding language codes, please refer to Language Support documentation.

For example, use the following to enable Manage application with Arabic, Deutsch and Japanese as secondary languages: export MAS_APP_SETTINGS_SECONDARY_LANGS='AR,DE,JA'

Manage - Server Bundle configuration variables¤


Optional. Provides different flavors of server bundle configuration to handle workload for Manage application. For more details about Manage application server bundle configuration, refer to Setting the server bundles for Manage application.

Currently supported server bundle sizes are:

Manage - Customization Archive settings variables¤


Provide a custom archive/file path to be included as part of Manage deployment.


Provide a custom archive file name to be associated with the archive/file path provided. Only used when mas_app_settings_customization_archive_url is defined.

Manage - Database encryption settings variables¤


This defines the MXE_SECURITY_CRYPTO_KEY value if you want to customize your Manage database encryption keys. For more details, refer to Manage database encryption documentation.


This defines the MXE_SECURITY_CRYPTOX_KEY value if you want to customize your Manage database encryption keys. For more details, refer to Manage database encryption documentation.


This defines the MXE_SECURITY_OLD_CRYPTO_KEY value if you want to customize your Manage database encryption keys. For more details, refer to Manage database encryption documentation.


This defines the MXE_SECURITY_OLD_CRYPTOX_KEY value if you want to customize your Manage database encryption keys. For more details, refer to Manage database encryption documentation.


Set this to true if you want to override existing Manage database encryption keys i.e Manage database reencryption scenario. A backup of the secret holding the original encryption keys will be taken prior overriding it with the new defined keys. If set to false, then the database encryption keys will only be created with the defined keys if no existing database encryption keys are found under the target Manage instance i.e new Manage installations.

Manage - Server Timezone setting variable¤


Sets the Manage server timezone. If you also want to have the Manage's DB2 database aligned with the same timezone, you must set DB2_TIMEZONE while provisioning the corresponding DB2 instance using db2 role.

Example Playbook¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    # MAS configuration
    mas_instance_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'MAS_INSTANCE_ID') }}"

    # MAS workspace configuration
    mas_workspace_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'MAS_WORKSPACE_ID') }}"

    # MAS application configuration
    mas_app_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'MAS_APP_ID') }}"

        jdbc: "{{ mas_appws_jdbc_binding | default( 'system' , true) }}"

    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_app_config

