Backup and Restore MAS Applications


This role supports backing up and restoring the data for below MAS applications:

  • manage: Manage namespace resources, persistent volume data (e.g. attachments)
  • iot: IoT namespace resources
  • monitor: Monitor namespace resources
  • health: Health namespace resources, Watson Studio project asset
  • optimizer: Optimizer namespace resources
  • visualinspection: Visual Inspection namespace resources, persistent volume data (e.g. image datasets, models)

Supports creating on-demand or scheduled backup jobs for taking full or incremental backups, and optionally creating Kubernetes jobs for running the backup/restore process.


An application backup can only be restored to an instance with the same MAS instance ID.

Role Variables - General


Set backup or restore to indicate the role to create a backup or restore job.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: MAS_BR_ACTION
  • Default: None


Defines the MAS application ID (manage, iot, monitor, health, optimizer, or visualinspection) for the backup or restore action.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: MAS_APP_ID
  • Default: None


Defines the MAS instance ID for the backup or restore action.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: MAS_INSTANCE_ID
  • Default: None


Defines the MAS workspace ID for the backup or restore action.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: MAS_WORKSPACE_ID
  • Default: None


Set true or false to indicate the role whether to confirm the currently connected cluster before running the backup or restore job.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_CONFIRM_CLUSTER
  • Default: false


Set the transfer files timeout in seconds.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_COPY_TIMEOUT_SEC
  • Default: 43200 (12 hours)


Set the time zone for creating scheduled backup job. If not set a value for this variable, this role will use UTC time zone when creating a CronJob for running scheduled backup job.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_JOB_TIMEZONE
  • Default: None


Set local or cloud to indicate this role to save the backup files to local file system or cloud object storage.

  • Required
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_STORAGE_TYPE
  • Default: None


Set local path to save the backup files.

  • Required only when MASBR_STORAGE_TYPE=local
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_STORAGE_LOCAL_FOLDER
  • Default: None


Set the path of rclone.conf file.

  • Required only when MASBR_STORAGE_TYPE=cloud
  • Default: None


Set the configuration name defined in rclone.conf file.

  • Required only when MASBR_STORAGE_TYPE=cloud
  • Default: None


Set the object storage bucket name for saving the backup files

  • Required only when MASBR_STORAGE_TYPE=cloud
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_STORAGE_CLOUD_BUCKET
  • Default: None


Set true or false to indicate whether this role will send Slack notification messages of the backup and restore progress.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_SLACK_ENABLED
  • Default: false


Set failure, info or verbose to indicate this role to send Slack notification messages in which backup and resore phases:

Slack level Backup/Restore phases
failure Failed, PartiallyFailed
info Completed, Failed, PartiallyFailed
verbose InProgress, Completed, Failed, PartiallyFailed
  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_SLACK_LEVEL
  • Default: info


The Slack integration token.

  • Required only when MASBR_SLACK_ENABLED=true
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_SLACK_TOKEN
  • Default: None


The Slack channel to send the notification messages to.

  • Required only when MASBR_SLACK_ENABLED=true
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_SLACK_CHANNEL
  • Default: None


The sender of the Slack notification message.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_SLACK_USER
  • Default: MASBR

Role Variables - Backup


Set full or incr to indicate the role to create a full backup or incremental backup. Only supports creating incremental backup for persistent volume data, this role will always create a full backup for other type of data regardless of whether this variable be set to incr.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_BACKUP_TYPE
  • Default: full


Set the types of data to be backed up, multiple data types are separated by commas (e.g. namespace,pv). If not set a value for this variable, this role will back up all types of data that supported by the specified MAS application. The data types supported by each MAS applications:

MAS App Name MAS App ID Data types
Manage manage namespace, pv
IoT iot namespace
Monitor monitor namespace
Health health namespace, wsl
Optimizer optimizer namespace
Visual Inspection visualinspection namespace, pv
  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_BACKUP_DATA
  • Default: None


Set the full backup version to use in the incremental backup, this will be in the format of a YYYMMDDHHMMSS timestamp (e.g. 20240621021316). This variable is only valid when MASBR_BACKUP_TYPE=incr. If not set a value for this variable, this role will try to find the latest full backup version from the specified storage location.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_BACKUP_FROM_VERSION
  • Default: None


Set Cron expression to create a scheduled backup. If not set a value for this varialbe, this role will create an on-demand backup.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_BACKUP_SCHEDULE
  • Default: None

Role Variables - Restore


Set the backup version to use in the restore, this will be in the format of a YYYMMDDHHMMSS timestamp (e.g. 20240621021316)

  • Required only when MAS_BR_ACTION=restore
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_RESTORE_FROM_VERSION
  • Default: None


Set the types of data to be restored, multiple data types are separated by commas (e.g. namespace,pv). If not set a value for this variable, this role will restore all types of data that supported by the specified MAS application. The data types supported by each MAS applications:

MAS App Name MAS App ID Data types
Manage manage namespace, pv
IoT iot namespace
Monitor monitor namespace
Health health namespace, wsl
Optimizer optimizer namespace
Visual Inspection visualinspection namespace, pv
  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_RESTORE_DATA
  • Default: None

Role Variables - Manage


Set the Manage PVC paths to use in backup and restore. The PVC path is in the format of <pvcName>:<mountPath>/<subPath>. Multiple PVC paths are separated by commas (e.g. manage-doclinks1-pvc:/mnt/doclinks1/attachments,manage-doclinks2-pvc:/mnt/doclinks2).

The <pvcName> and <mountPath> are defined in the ManageWorkspace CRD instance spec.settings.deployment.persistentVolumes:

  - accessModes:
      - ReadWriteMany
    mountPath: /mnt/doclinks1
    pvcName: manage-doclinks1-pvc
    size: '20'
    storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
    volumeName: ''
  - accessModes:
      - ReadWriteMany
    mountPath: /mnt/doclinks2
    pvcName: manage-doclinks2-pvc
    size: '20'
    storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
    volumeName: ''

If not set a value for this variable, this role will not backup and restore persistent valumne data for Manage.

  • Optional
  • Environment Variable: MASBR_MANAGE_PVC_PATHS
  • Default: None

Example Playbook


Backup Manage attachments, note that this does not include backup of any data in Db2, see the backup action in the db2 role.

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    masbr_action: backup
    mas_instance_id: main
    mas_workspace_id: ws1
    mas_app_id: manage
    masbr_backup_data: pv
    masbr_manage_pvc_paths: "manage-doclinks1-pvc:/mnt/doclinks1"
    masbr_storage_type: local
    masbr_storage_local_folder: /tmp/masbr
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_app_backup_restore


Restore Manage attachments, note that this does not include restore of any data in Db2, see the restore action in the db2 role.

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    masbr_action: restore
    masbr_restore_from_version: 20240621021316
    mas_instance_id: main
    mas_workspace_id: ws1
    mas_app_id: manage
    masbr_backup_data: pv
    masbr_manage_pvc_paths: "manage-doclinks1-pvc:/mnt/doclinks1"
    masbr_storage_type: local
    masbr_storage_local_folder: /tmp/masbr
    - ibm.mas_devops.suite_app_backup_restore

