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This role installs the NVIDIA Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) operator and its prerequisite Node Feature Discovery (NFD) operator in an IBM Cloud Openshift cluster console. The role first installs the NFD operator and continues with the final step to install the NVIDIA GPU Operator. The NFD Operator is installed using the Red Hat Operators catalog source and the GPU operator is installed using the Certified Operators catalog source.

Role Variables¤


The namespace where the node feature discovery operator will be deployed.


The channel to subscribe to for the nfd operator installation and updates. Available channels may be found in the package manifest of nfd operator in openshift.


The namespace where the NVIDIA GPU operator will be deployed. For version 1.8.x, use of single namespace is not supported, therefore use openshift-operators.


The channel to subscribe to for the gpu operator installation and updates. Available channels may be found in the package manifest of gpu-operator-certified operator in openshift.


By default, it will pull the latest version and the environment variable is not needed. If a specific version is needed (due to OS version compatibilities), specify the following environment variable.

See the attached links for more information and to decide which driver version to use.


The gpu driver repository. If using a different repository, you can set the value for this repo. We only support public repositories at the moment.

For more information on the NVIDIA GPU and NFD operators, visit

Example Playbook¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    - ibm.mas_devops.nvidia_gpu

