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Home Ansible Automation Platform OCP Install Cloud Pak For Data Install Core Add AIBroker Add IoT Add Manage Add Monitor Add Optimizer Add Predict Add Visual Inspection Update Upgrade Uninstall Core Backup & Restore ocp_cluster_monitoring ocp_config ocp_deprovision ocp_efs ocp_github_oauth ocp_login ocp_node_config ocp_provision ocp_roks_upgrade_registry_storage ocp_upgrade ocp_verify appconnect aws_bucket_access_point aws_documentdb_user aws_policy aws_route53 aws_user_creation aws_vpc cert_manager cis common-services configure_manage_eventstreams cos cos_bucket cp4d_admin_pwd_update cp4d cp4d_service db2 dro eck grafana ibm_catalogs kafka nvidia_gpu mongodb ocs sls turbonomic uds mirror_case_prepare mirror_extras_prepare mirror_images mirror_ocp ocp_idms ocp_simulate_disconnected_network registry suite_app_config suite_app_install suite_app_uninstall suite_app_upgrade suite_app_rollback suite_app_backup_restore suite_certs suite_config suite_db2_setup_for_manage suite_dns suite_install suite_manage_attachments_config suite_manage_birt_report_config suite_manage_bim_config suite_manage_customer_files_config suite_manage_imagestitching_config suite_manage_import_certs_config suite_manage_load_dbc_scripts suite_manage_logging_config suite_manage_pvc_config suite_uninstall suite_upgrade suite_rollback suite_verify suite_backup_restore ansible_version_check entitlement_key_rotation gencfg_jdbc gencfg_watsonstudio gencfg_workspace gencfg_mongo


Install or upgrade a chosen CloudPak for Data service.

Currently supported Cloud Pak for Data release versions supported are:

The role will automatically install the corresponding CPD service operator channel and custom resource version associated to the chosen Cloud Pak for Data release version.

For more information about the specific CPD services channels and versions associated to a particular Cloud Pak for Data release can be found here.

Services Supported¤

These services can be deployed and configured using this role:


All timings are estimates.


This role also supports seamlessly CPD services minor version upgrades (CPD 4.6.x > CPD 4.8.0, CPD 4.8.0 > CPD 5.0.0 or CPD 5.0.0 > 5.1.0), as well as patch version upgrades (e.g. CPD 4.6.0 -> CPD 4.6.6), with the exception of Watson Discovery.

All you need to do is to define cpd_product_version variable to the version you target to upgrade and run this role for a particular CPD service. It's important that before you upgrade CPD services, the CPD Control Plane/Zen is also upgraded to the same release version.

For more information about IBM Cloud Pak for Data upgrade process, refer to the CPD official documentation.

Application Support

For more information on how Predict and HP Utilities make use of Watson Studio, refer to Predict/HP Utilities documentation


The reconcile of many CP4D resources will be marked as Failed multiple times during initial installation, these are misleading status updates, the install is just really slow and the operators can not properly handle this. For example, if you are watching the install of CCS you will see that each rabbitmq-ha pod takes 10-15 minutes to start up and it looks like there is a problem because the pod log will just stop at a certain point. If you see something like this as the last message in the pod log WAL: ra_log_wal init, open tbls: ra_log_open_mem_tables, closed tbls: ra_log_closed_mem_tables be assured that there's nothing wrong, it's just there's a long delay between that message and the next (starting system coordination) being logged.

Note: Watson Discovery 4.8.x introduces breaking changes that blocks seamless upgrade from 4.6.x. It requires backing up your data, uninstall 4.6.x, install 4.8.x and restoring Watson Discovery data. Thus, this action requires additional steps that are not covered by this automation. For detailed steps about upgrading WD 4.6 -> 4.8, read Upgrading Watson Discovery from version 4.6 to 4.8.

Watson Studio¤

Subscriptions related to Watson Studio:

Watson Studio is made up of many moving parts across multiple namespaces.

In the ibm-cpd-operators namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd-operators get deployments
NAME                                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ibm-cpd-ccs-operator                                   1/1     1            1           83m
ibm-cpd-datarefinery-operator                          1/1     1            1           83m
ibm-cpd-ws-operator                                    1/1     1            1           83m
ibm-cpd-ws-runtimes-operator                           1/1     1            1           83m
ibm-elasticsearch-operator-ibm-es-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           83m

In the ibm-cpd namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd get ccs,ws,datarefinery,notebookruntimes,deployments,sts
NAME                         VERSION   RECONCILED   STATUS      AGE   9.0.0     9.0.0        Completed   82m

NAME                      VERSION   RECONCILED   STATUS      AGE   9.0.0     9.0.0        Completed   83m

NAME                                                    VERSION   RECONCILED   STATUS      AGE   9.0.0     9.0.0        Completed   36m

NAME                                                       NLP MODELS   VERSION   RECONCILED   STATUS      AGE                9.0.0     9.0.0        Completed   22m

NAME                                                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/asset-files-api                              1/1     1            1           60m
deployment.apps/ax-cdsx-jupyter-notebooks-converter-deploy   1/1     1            1           15m
deployment.apps/ax-cdsx-notebooks-job-manager-deploy         1/1     1            1           15m
deployment.apps/ax-environments-api-deploy                   1/1     1            1           53m
deployment.apps/ax-environments-ui-deploy                    1/1     1            1           53m
deployment.apps/ax-wdp-notebooks-api-deploy                  1/1     1            1           15m
deployment.apps/ax-ws-notebooks-ui-deploy                    1/1     1            1           15m
deployment.apps/catalog-api                                  2/2     2            2           69m
deployment.apps/dataview-api-service                         1/1     1            1           48m
deployment.apps/dc-main                                      1/1     1            1           65m
deployment.apps/event-logger-api                             1/1     1            1           59m
deployment.apps/ibm-0100-model-viewer-prod                   1/1     1            1           14m
deployment.apps/jobs-api                                     1/1     1            1           49m
deployment.apps/jobs-ui                                      1/1     1            1           49m
deployment.apps/ngp-projects-api                             1/1     1            1           60m
deployment.apps/portal-catalog                               1/1     1            1           65m
deployment.apps/portal-common-api                            1/1     1            1           60m
deployment.apps/portal-job-manager                           1/1     1            1           60m
deployment.apps/portal-main                                  1/1     1            1           60m
deployment.apps/portal-ml-dl                                 1/1     1            1           14m
deployment.apps/portal-notifications                         1/1     1            1           60m
deployment.apps/portal-projects                              1/1     1            1           60m
deployment.apps/redis-ha-haproxy                             1/1     1            1           78m
deployment.apps/runtime-assemblies-operator                  1/1     1            1           59m
deployment.apps/runtime-manager-api                          1/1     1            1           59m
deployment.apps/spaces                                       1/1     1            1           48m
deployment.apps/task-credentials                             1/1     1            1           48m
deployment.apps/wdp-connect-connection                       1/1     1            1           66m
deployment.apps/wdp-connect-connector                        1/1     1            1           66m
deployment.apps/wdp-connect-flight                           1/1     1            1           66m
deployment.apps/wdp-dataprep                                 1/1     1            1           29m
deployment.apps/wdp-dataview                                 1/1     1            1           48m
deployment.apps/wdp-shaper                                   1/1     1            1           29m
deployment.apps/wkc-search                                   1/1     1            1           66m
deployment.apps/wml-main                                     1/1     1            1           48m

NAME                                                         READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/elasticsea-0ac3-ib-6fb9-es-server-esnodes   3/3     74m
statefulset.apps/rabbitmq-ha                                 3/3     79m
statefulset.apps/redis-ha-server                             3/3     79m
statefulset.apps/wdp-couchdb                                 3/3     79m

Watson Machine Learning¤

Subscriptions related to Watson Machine Learning:

Watson Machine Learning is made up of many moving parts across multiple namespaces.

In the ibm-cpd-operators namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd-operators get deployments
NAME                                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ibm-cpd-ccs-operator                                   1/1     1            1           134m
ibm-cpd-datarefinery-operator                          1/1     1            1           134m
ibm-cpd-wml-operator                                   1/1     1            1           49m
ibm-elasticsearch-operator-ibm-es-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           134m

In the ibm-cpd namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd get ccs,wmlbase,deployments,sts
NAME                         VERSION   RECONCILED   STATUS      AGE   9.0.0     9.0.0        Completed   133m

NAME                             VERSION   BUILD       STATUS      RECONCILED   AGE   5.0.0     5.0.0-918   Completed   5.0.0        50m

NAME                                                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/wml-deployment-envoy                         1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/wml-deployment-manager                       1/1     1            1           19m
deployment.apps/wml-main                                     1/1     1            1           99m
deployment.apps/wml-repositoryv4                             1/1     1            1           16m
deployment.apps/wmltraining                                  1/1     1            1           15m
deployment.apps/wmltrainingorchestrator                      1/1     1            1           14m

NAME                                                         READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/wml-cpd-etcd                                3/3     26m
statefulset.apps/wml-deployment-agent                        1/1     21m

Analytics Engine¤

Subscriptions related to Analytics Engine:

Analytics Engine is made up of many moving parts across multiple namespaces.

In the ibm-cpd-operators namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd-operators get deployments
NAME                                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ibm-cpd-ae-operator                                    1/1     1            1           31m

In the ibm-cpd namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd get analyticsengine,deployments
NAME                                                    VERSION   RECONCILED   STATUS      AGE   5.0.0     5.0.0        Completed   31m

NAME                                                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/spark-hb-br-recovery                         1/1     1            1           11m
deployment.apps/spark-hb-control-plane                       1/1     1            1           19m
deployment.apps/spark-hb-create-trust-store                  1/1     1            1           25m
deployment.apps/spark-hb-deployer-agent                      1/1     1            1           19m
deployment.apps/spark-hb-nginx                               1/1     1            1           19m
deployment.apps/spark-hb-register-hb-dataplane               1/1     1            1           10m
deployment.apps/spark-hb-ui                                  1/1     1            1           19m

Watson OpenScale¤

Subscriptions related to Watson OpenScale (in the ibm-cpd-operators namespace):

Analytics Engine is made up of many moving parts across multiple namespaces.

In the ibm-cpd-operators namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd-operators get deployments
NAME                                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ibm-cpd-wos-operator                                   1/1     1            1           30m

In the ibm-cpd namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd get woservice,deployments,sts
NAME                                                  TYPE      STORAGE   SCALECONFIG   PHASE   RECONCILED   STATUS   service             small         Ready   5.0.0        Completed

NAME                                                                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-bias                      1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-bkpicombined              1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-common-api                1/1     1            1           22m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-configuration             1/1     1            1           22m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-dashboard                 1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-datamart                  1/1     1            1           22m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-drift                     1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-explainability            1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-fast-path                 1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-feedback                  1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-metrics-compute-manager   0/0     0            0           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-ml-gateway-discovery      1/1     1            1           22m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-ml-gateway-service        1/1     1            1           22m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-mrm                       1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-nginx                     1/1     1            1           25m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-notification              1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-payload-logging           1/1     1            1           21m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-payload-logging-api       1/1     1            1           22m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-redis                     1/1     1            1           28m
deployment.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-scheduling                1/1     1            1           21m

NAME                                                         READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-etcd     3/3     27m
statefulset.apps/openscale-defaultinstance-ibm-aios-kafka    3/3     27m

Cognos Analytics¤

Subscriptions related to Cognos Analytics (in the ibm-cpd-operators namespace):

Cognos Analytics is made up of many moving parts across multiple namespaces.

In the ibm-cpd-operators namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd-operators get deployments
NAME                                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ibm-ca-operator-controller-manager                     1/1     1            1           19m

In the ibm-cpd namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd get caservice,deployments
NAME                                   AGE   19m

NAME                                                                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/cognos-analytics-cognos-analytics-addon                      1/1     1            1           9m17s


Subscriptions related to SPSS (in the ibm-cpd-operators namespace):

SPSS is made up of many moving parts across multiple namespaces.

In the ibm-cpd-operators namespace:

NAME                                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ibm-cpd-canvasbase-operator                            1/1     1            1           38m
ibm-cpd-spss-operator                                  1/1     1            1           38m

In the ibm-cpd namespace:

oc -n ibm-cpd get spss,deployments
NAME                                       VERSION   STATUS      AGE   9.0.0     Completed   38m

NAME                                                                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/canvasbase-flow-api                                          1/1     1            1           35m
deployment.apps/canvasbase-flow-ui                                           1/1     1            1           30m
deployment.apps/spss-modeler-modeler-flow-api                                1/1     1            1           22m

Role Variables - Installation¤


Name of the service to install, supported values are: wsl, wml, wd, aiopenscale, spark, ca and spss


The product version (also known as operand version) of this service to install.


This is used to set spec.storageClass in all CPD services that uses file storage class (read-write-many RWX).


This is used to set spec.blockStorageClass in all CPD services that uses block storage class (read-write-only RWO).


Namespace where the CP4D instance is deployed.


Namespace where the CP4D instance is deployed.


The CP4D Admin username to authenticate with CP4D APIs. If you didn't change the initial admin username after installing CP4D then you don't need to provide this.


The CP4D Admin User password to call CP4D API to provision Discovery Instance. If you didn't change the initial admin password after CP4D install, you don't need to provide it. The initial admin user password for admin or cpdamin will be used.


Adjust and scale the resources for your Cloud Pak for Data services to increase processing capacity. For more information, refer to Managing resources in IBM Cloud Pak for Data documentation.

Role Variables - Watson Studio¤


Stores the CP4D Watson Studio Project name that can be used to configure HP Utilities application in MAS.


Optional - Stores the CP4D Watson Studio Project description that can be used to configure HP Utilities application in MAS.

Role Variables - Watson Discovery¤


Stores the name of the CP4D Watson Discovery Instance that can be used to configure Assist application in MAS.


Defines the CP4D Watson Discovery deployment type:

Note: Deployment type cannot be changed in the future neither while upgrading the service. If you need to change the deployment type, you must uninstall Watson Discovery and reinstall with the desired deployment type. More information, see Upgrading Watson Discovery.

Role Variables - MAS Configuration Generation¤


The instance ID of Maximo Application Suite that a generated configuration will target. If this or mas_config_dir are not set then the role will not generate a resource template.


Local directory to save the generated resource definition. This can be used to manually configure a MAS instance, or used as an input to the suite_config role. If this or mas_instance_id are not set then the role will not generate a resource template.

Example Playbook¤

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    cpd_product_version: 5.0.0
    cpd_service_storage_class: ibmc-file-gold-gid
    cpd_service_name: wsl
    - ibm.mas_devops.cp4d_service

