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Uninstall for MAS Core¤

This playbook will remove MAS Core Platform and its dependencies from your cluster. If you have installed any MAS applications you should uninstall them first. This playbook will effectively undo everything done in the oneclick-core playbook.

The following will be removed from the cluster. - MAS Core Platform for the specified instance ID - IBM Suite Licensing Service - MongoDb - IBM User Data Services - IBM Certificate Manager - IBM Cloud Pak Foundational Services - IBM Maximo Operator Catalog - Cluster Monitoring (including Grafana)

When using this playbook be sure that nothing else in your cluster is using any of the dependencies that will be removed. If you wish to skip the removal of one or more dependencies use the optional environment variables documented below to control exactly what is uninstalled.


This playbook will try to gracefully uninstall a target MAS instance by removing MAS related resources in the expected order. Therefore, make sure your MAS operator is up and running in a healthy state, and no errors are reported in your Suite custom resource.

If there are any error reported in the logs of your MAS operator pod, or in your Suite custom resource, the uninstall process might get stuck and not complete successfully. In this case, you will need to debug and fix what is preventing your MAS operator to properly process the uninstall, or ultimately, forcibly uninstall MAS instance.

For more information regarding MAS uninstall process, refer to Uninstalling Maximo Application Suite documentation.


Required environment variables¤

Optional environment variables¤

Any of these environment variables can be set to none to skip the uninstall of the associated dependency, this can be useful if you have multiple MAS instances installed on a single cluster for example.


Although you could set the actions to install and run the playbook it is strongly recommended not to as it runs through the dependencies in the reverse order that they need to be installed in; use the oneclick-core playbook to repair a MAS Core installation.


Defines whether Mongo databases should be deleted along with MAS uninstall


export MAS_INSTANCE_ID=inst1

oc login --token=xxxx --server=https://myocpserver
ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.uninstall_core


If you do not want to set up all the dependencies on your local system, you can run the install inside our docker image as well: docker run -ti --pull always