MAS DevOps Ansible Collection Ansible CLI
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MAS DevOps Ansible Collection¤

The ibm.mas_devops Ansible Collection is published on Ansible Galaxy and works with all supported releases of IBM Maximo Application Suite. Release information for the collection can be found in GitHub.


Run a Playbook¤

The collection includes a number of playbooks that string together multiple roles, you can directly invoke them after installing the collection:

ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.lite_core_roks

Run a Role¤

If you only want to perform a single action, you can directly invoke one of our roles from the command line without the need to build a playbook:

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=ibm.mas_devops.ocp_verify

You can also use the run_role playbook:

ROLE_NAME=cert_manager ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role

Running in Docker¤

The easiest way to use this collection is to take advantage of the ibmmas/cli container image, this negates the need to install anything on your local machine (other than docker - or podman if you prefer).

docker run -ti --rm --pull always

Local Install¤

Install the collection direct from Ansible Galaxy, you must also install the mas-devops Python package. Python 3.11 is recommended as it is the most widely used version of Python within our development team, but any in-support version of Python should work.

ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.mas_devops
python3 -m pip install mas-devops

Optionally, you can also pin the version of the collection that you install, allowing you to control exactly what version of the collection is in use in your automation:

ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.mas_devops:18.10.4
python3 -m pip install mas-devops

The ansible collection makes use of many dependencies, you can find install scripts showing how we install these dependencies in our own container image in the ibm-mas/cli-base repository, the dependencies you need will be determined by the roles that you intend to use, refer to the roles documentation for dependency infomation.


Many systems contain more than one installation of Python, when you install the mas-devops package you must install it to the Python that Ansible is configured to use. You can check the version being used by Ansible by reviewing the output of ansible --version.

If you see the error message ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: No module named 'mas' it almost certainly means that you have not installed the mas-devops package, or have added it to the wrong instance of Python.

Ansible Automation Platform¤

If you wish to use Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform then a Automation Execution Environment image is available at that contains the ibm.mas_devops collection at the same release level, plus required client packages and access to the automation content collections supported by Red Hat.

More details on how to use the ansible-devops execution environment can be found here

Action Groups¤

The collection provide a new action group ibm.mas_devops.k8s which can be used to set the default Kubernetes target cluster as an alternative to authenticating with the cluster prior to running our ansible playbooks/roles/actions, see the example below which would return the default storage classes that would be used in this collection for the specified cluster:

- hosts: localhost
  any_errors_fatal: true
    - ibm.mas_devops

      host: "<your host url>"
      api_key: "<your api key>"

    - name: "Lookup default storage classes"
      register: classes

    - debug:
        msg: "{{classes}}"


This Ansible collection is developed by the IBM Maximo Application Suite development team, customers may raise support tickets via the same routes they would an issue with the product itself, or raise an issue directly in the GitHub repository.